
When encountering a problem with Crappy, please first carefully read the present documentation. Most of the difficulties users may face come from an incorrect use of Crappy. If you cannot find an answer in the documentation, you can then check if a similar problem was brought up by users in the Issues and Discussions sections of our GitHub page.

If your problem has never been reported before, the best way to get help is to open a new issue on the GitHub page. Alternatively, you can also open a new discussion to chat in a more informal way with the community. When reporting a bug, make sure to always indicate which OS you’re running, which version of Python you’re using, and include both your script and the error Traceback you get. You can also attach the log file, located at /tmp/crappy/logs.txt on Linux and macOS, or at C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Temp\crappy\logs.txt on Windows.