What is Crappy ?

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CRAPPY is an acronym and stands for Command and Real-time Acquisition in Parallelized PYthon.

Its aim is to provide an easy-to-use software environment for controlling tests and driving hardware. It targets an audience of experimental researchers and R&D engineers, and provides a framework that manages the operation, the parallelization and the synchronization of the test equipment. Any device that can be controlled from Python can be integrated into Crappy, regardless of its manufacturer. In addition to interfacing with hardware, Crappy also comes with a rich set of signal and image processing solutions that can be combined to build and drive arbitrarily complex experimental setups !

Crappy is developed at the LaMCube, a mechanical research laboratory based in Lille, France. It was originally intended for material mechanics, but can be used in any domain that requires to run experimental tests.

Key features of Crappy

  • open-source : It is natural for us to make our work available to anyone, and to keep it open to outside contributions. All the code base is freely hosted on GitHub.

  • modular : The software basis we provide can be easily extended and fine-tuned to drive new hardware or perform custom operations on data.

  • simple : Python was chosen for Crappy because it is one of the most accessible languages. We are not professional developers, and neither are our users ! The module was also designed so that most of its complexity is hidden from users.

  • performance : Under the hood, a complex code ensures that the computer running Crappy operates at full power to maximize the performance of the framework. We’re well aware that experimental tests require a good repeatability and stability, and may become hazardous in case of non-handled issues.

  • parallelization : One of the keys to a good test is the synchronisation between the different sensors. Therefore, we chose to massively parallelize our framework, ensuring that every device can operate simultaneously on a same time basis. This is truly one of Crappy’s main strengths !

Is Crappy for me ?

Crappy is the right solution for you if :

  • You want to drive sensors and actuators in a synchronized and parallelized way.

  • You want a modular solution in which you can easily add new hardware, functions and write your own test protocols.

  • You don’t want to bother coding in a low-level language.

  • You want to remain independent from commercial software environments.

As Crappy’s scope is well-defined, there are also situations in which Crappy won’t be able to help you. So Crappy is NOT for you if :

  • You need deterministic sampling at frequencies higher than a few dozen Hz (those who need it will know what that means !).

  • Your devices cannot be driven from Python, e.g. if they can only be driven from a proprietary software.

  • You don’t want to code a single line in Python (you should really give it a try, it’s great and easy to learn !).