

You can install Crappy on the three main OS : Windows, Mac and Linux. Note that Crappy is developed and tested on the latest OS versions, and no particular effort is made to ensure compatibility with previous ones. It is thus preferable to install it on a recent and up-to-date OS version.

To install Crappy, you will need Python 3 (3.6 or higher) with the following modules :

  • numpy (1.19.0 or higher)

The following modules are not mandatory but will provide additional functionalities :

  • matplotlib (1.5.3 or higher, for plotting graphs and displaying images)

  • opencv (3.0 or higher, to perform image acquisition and analysis)

  • pyserial (To interface with serial sensors and actuators)

  • Tk (For the configuration interface of cameras)

  • scikit-image (0.11 or higher)

  • xiApi (for Ximea cameras)

  • labjack (for Labjack support)

  • Simple-ITK (for faster image saving)

  • PyCUDA (for real-time correlation)

  • Comedi driver (for Comedi acquisition boards, Linux only)

  • PyDaqmx (for National Instrument boards, Windows only)

  • niFgen (package from National Instrument, Windows only)

  • openDAQ (for opendaq boards)


Knowing which modules are needed for a given setup is easy. Just write the script and start it, if a module is missing Crappy will simply tell you !

A. For Linux users

These steps have been tested for Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 but should work on other distributions as well, as long as Python 3.6 is installed.

1. The first step is to get the required dependencies.

First make sure that you have pip installed.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install python3-pip

1.a. Install the dependencies in a virtualenv (recommended) :

workon myenv
pip3 install <module>

If you’re not familiar with virtual environments, here’s more documentation.

1.b. Or install the required Python modules on the system :

pip3 install <module>

2. You can now install Crappy. Again, two ways to go.

2.a. For regular users, install using pip (either in a virtualenv or on the system) :

pip3 install crappy

2.b. For developers, get the sources using git and use setup script :

cd <path>
git clone
cd crappy
sudo python3 install

If you’re not familiar with git, documentation can be found there.


For adding C/C++ modules to Crappy you must run a setup install, which will be way more convenient if you get Crappy from git.


  • Replace <module> by the name of the module you want to install.

  • Replace <path> by the path where you want Crappy to be located.

B. For Windows users

These steps have been tested for Windows 8.1 and 10 but should work with other versions as well. If you want to load C++ modules, make sure to use the x64 version of Python.

1. Install the dependencies :

pip install <module>

This will works for most modules, but some may fail and need a wheel file built for Windows. Once you’ve found a binary wheel, simply run :

pip install <wheel_file.whl>

2. Also, you will need Visual C++ for Python 3.x (your version of python) if you want to compile C++ modules. If you want to use Ximea cameras, don’t forget to install XiAPI and add c:\XIMEA\API\x64 to your path.

3. Then you can install Crappy.

If you’re a regular user :

pip install crappy

Or if you’re a developer :

cd <path>
git clone
cd crappy install

If you’re not familiar with git, documentation can be found there.


For adding C/C++ modules to Crappy you must run a setup install, which will be way more convenient if you get Crappy from git.


  • Replace <module> by the name of the module you want to install.

  • Replace <path> by the path where you want Crappy to be located.

C. For macOS users

These steps have been tested on macOS Sierra (10.12.6), but should work with other versions as well.

1. Install the dependencies :

pip3 install <module>

2. Then you can install Crappy.

If you’re a regular user :

pip3 install crappy

Or if you’re a developer :

cd <path>
git clone
cd crappy install

If you’re not familiar with git, documentation can be found there.


  • Replace <module> by the name of the module you want to install.

  • Replace <path> by the path where you want Crappy to be located.

D. Troubleshooting

The imaging module is not natively included in Tk. Some user may have to install it manually to use the camera configuration GUI.

For Ubuntu, you can do :

sudo apt install python3-pil.imagetk

Also, you may face some issues with matplotlib backends not managing to open multiple windows in some desktop environment. We set the default backend to TkAgg, which works fine in most situations. If you encounter backend issues, you can specify another backend for matplotlib in the grapher blocks :

graph = crappy.bocks.Grapher(<args, kwargs>, backend='TkAgg')