More about custom objects in Crappy

This last page of the tutorials covers various advanced topics related to the creation of custom objects in Crappy. Unlike for the three previous pages, the content of this fourth page will not be of interest for all users. It is still interesting to go over it for users wanting to have a deeper understanding of the module, or users with a specific need.

1. Custom Generator Paths

Starting from version 2.0.0, it is now possible for users to create their own Generator Paths ! There are two reasons why this possibility was added so late in the module. First, we’re not certain that there is a need for it. But since only a few modifications were needed to allow the creation of custom Paths, it was decided to make it possible anyway. And second, the implementation is a bit messier than for other custom objects. It should still be accessible for most users though, don’t worry !

Just like for the other custom objects, there is a template for creating custom Paths and the Paths have to be children of crappy.blocks.generator_path.meta_path.Path :

import crappy

class MyPath(crappy.blocks.generator_path.meta_path.Path):

    def __init__():

    def get_cmd(self, data):

As you can see, there are only two methods to define ! Just like for the other custom objects, __init__() should initialize the parent class. It can also accept arguments, that will correspond to the keys and values given in the dict passed to the Generator Block. Note that in addition to these arguments, the value of the last command sent by the Generator and the moment when it was sent are accessible through the self.t0 and self.last_cmd attributes.

The get_cmd() method is for generating the next command for the Generator to send. It must return the next command as a float (None is also acceptable is there’s no new command to send). It accepts one argument, which is the dict returned by the recv_all_data() method of the Generator, and that contains all the data recently received over incoming Links. It allows to handle the case when Generator Paths have stop conditions based on the value of a label, described in this tutorials section.

But how to handle the stop conditions ? And how to signal the Generator that a stop condition was met ? This is where things get a bit trickier ! To indicate that a stop condition is met, the get_cmd() method simply has to raise a StopIteration exception. That can be done anytime, based on any arbitrary criterion. However, to make it so that conditions like 'delay=10' can be used, a parse_condition() method is provided by the base Path class. It takes a str or a Callable or None as its single argument, and always returns a Callable out of it. This Callable accepts one argument, which is the dict that is passed as an argument to get_cmd(), and it returns a bool indicating whether the stop condition is met or not.

So, to summarize, if your custom Path does not accept a 'condition' or equivalent argument, you’re free to raise StopIteration whenever you want to switch to the next Path based on arbitrary criteria. If you do have a 'condition' or equivalent argument, you should first parse it during __init__() using the parse_condition() method. It will output a Callable, that you should store as a variable. Then, in the get_cmd() method, you should call this variable with the dict from recv_all_data() as an argument. If it returns True the condition is met and you should raise StopIteration. Otherwise, you should return a value for the Generator to send.

It is definitely not the most straightforward implementation, but it is very flexible and should fit most situations. Let’s write a short example to make it clearer how to create a custom Generator Path and how to handle the conditions. This example generates a square wave, whose duty cycle can be either fixed or controlled by the value of an input label :

(Expand to see the full code)
# coding: utf-8

import crappy
from time import time
from scipy.signal import square
from math import pi

class CustomPath(crappy.blocks.generator_path.meta_path.Path):

  def __init__(self,


    # Getting the min and max values, and the frequency
    self._low = min(low_value, high_value)
    self._high = max(low_value, high_value)
    self._freq = freq

    # Initializing the duty cycle attributes
    self._dc_label = None
    self._dc = None

    if isinstance(duty_cycle, str):
      self._dc_label = duty_cycle
      self._dc = duty_cycle

    # Parsing the given condition
    self._condition = self.parse_condition(condition)

  def get_cmd(self, data):

    # Checking if the stop condition is met
    if self._condition(data):
      raise StopIteration

    # Updating the duty cycle with the latest received value
    if self._dc_label is not None and self._dc_label in data:
      self._dc = data[self._dc_label][-1]

    # If no duty cycle was received over the label, return the low value
    if self._dc is None:
      return self._low

    # Return the scaled signal
    base = square((time() - self.t0) * self._freq * 2 * pi, self._dc)
    return base * (self._high - self._low) / 2 + (self._high + self._low) / 2

if __name__ == '__main__':

  gen = crappy.blocks.Generator(({'type': 'Sine',
                                  'offset': 0.6,
                                  'amplitude': 0.6,
                                  'freq': 0.25,
                                  'condition': None},),

  cust_gen = crappy.blocks.Generator(({'type': 'CustomPath',
                                       'low_value': 5,
                                       'high_value': 15,
                                       'duty_cycle': 'duty',
                                       'freq': 2,
                                       'condition': 'delay=20'},),

  graph = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'square')), cust_gen), graph)



To run this example, you’ll need to have the matplotlib and scipy Python modules installed.

This example contains all the ingredients described above. The parent class is initialized, then the condition argument is parsed with parse_condition(). In get_cmd(), the given condition is checked based on the latest received data from upstream Blocks, and raises StopIteration if needed. This method also returns float values as expected, and the t0 attribute is used for calculating the value to return.

The exact way the custom Path works won’t be detailed here, but it should be self-explanatory by just reading the code and the comments. You can download this custom Path example to run it locally on your machine. You should see that the duty cycle of the generated square signal varies according to the target duty cycle, as expected. In the examples on GitHub, you’ll find another example of a custom Generator Path.


If you want to have debug information displayed in the terminal from your Path, do not use the print() function ! Instead, use the log() method provided by the parent Path class. This way, the log messages are included in the log file and handled in a nicer way by Crappy.

There’s one more very specific point that we’d like to outline about the use of Generator Paths in Crappy. Earlier, it was mentioned that the parse_condition() method of the base Path object accepts Callable. More precisely, it accepts Callables that take as only argument a dict whose keys are str and values are list, and that return a bool value. This means that it is actually possible to pass a Callable as the value for the condition argument, not just a str or None ! This possibility is not often used, but at least you now know that it exists ! It could for instance come in use if you want to use an existing Path, but you have an unusual stop condition (e.g. one that depends on the values of two labels).

2. More about custom InOuts

In addition to what was described in the tutorial section about how to create custom InOut objects, there is one more minor feature that the In / Out possess and that is worth describing in the tutorials. That is the ability for an InOut to acquire data before a test starts, and to use this data to offset the channels to zero. To do so, the script must match two conditions. First, the make_zero_delay argument of the IOBlock must be set to a positive value. And second, the used InOut must have its get_data() method defined (it cannot be a pure stream class). If both of these conditions are met, then the InOut will acquire data using get_data() during prepare() for the specified delay, and create offsets so that for each acquired channel its value starts from zero at the beginning of the test. It also works for streams, provided that the number of channels acquired in streamer mode is the same as the number of channels acquired by get_data().

Thing get a bit trickier when the hardware can handle and tune offsets for its channels ! In such a case, it might be advantageous to set the zeroing offsets directly on the device rather than relying on Crappy. To achieve that, the make_zero() method of the base InOut has to be overriden in the child InOut class, and the way it is performed depends on the capabilities of the hardware. What is usually done is that the make_zero() method of the base class calculates the offset values, and the one of the child class sets these values on the hardware and resets the offsets on Crappy’s side. This kind of implementation can be found in the Labjack T7 or the Comedi InOuts. Check their code to see how it looks ! There is also a very basic example of offsetting in the examples on GitHub where the method is overriden and the offsets are simply doubled.

There is no need for a specific example in this sub-section, it is mostly included to signal the existence of the zeroing feature and the possibility for users to override it.

3. More about custom Actuators

In the tutorial section about how to create custom Actuator objects, then entire speed management aspect in position mode was left out. In this section, we’re going to cover in more details the possibilities for driving the speed in position mode, and how to write a set_position() method accordingly.

In the dict containing information about the Actuator to drive, there are two optional keys that allow tuning the target speed in position mode. They can both be set, or only one, or none. These keys are :

  • 'speed', that sets a target speed value from the beginning of the test. This value might be overriden if 'speed_cmd_label' is given. If it is not overriden, it persists forever.

  • 'speed_cmd_label', that provides the name of a label carrying the target speed values. As soon as a value is received over this label, the previous target value is overriden and the new one is set.

If no target speed value is set, i.e. if none of the two possible keys is provided or if 'speed' is not set and no target speed has been received over the 'speed_cmd_label' so far, the target speed is set to None.

Now, how is that reflected on your code when creating a custom Actuator ? First, note that it only influences the set_position() method, all the other ones are unaffected. The target speed value is always passed to the Actuator as the second argument of the set_position() method. It is passed no matter its value, so it might be equal to None ! It is your duty to handle the two situations when it has or hasn’t an actual value. For hardware that doesn’t support speed adjustment when operated in position mode, this argument can always be ignored. You can have a look at the Actuators distributed with Crappy to see how the various set_position() methods implement the speed management in position mode. Also, an example of a Machine Block with a variable target speed can be found in the examples folder on GitHub.

4. More about custom Cameras

Because image acquisition is such a complex topic, the Camera object is by far the richest of the classes interfacing with hardware in Crappy. For that reason, not all of its features could be presented in the previous tutorial sections. The missing ones are introduced here instead. Note that they are clearly secondary compared to the other features already presented !

4.a. Pre-defined settings

4.a.1. Trigger setting

On the previous page, the three methods allowing to instantiate a CameraSetting were presented. While these methods cover a wide range of situations, we found that they were not always well-suited to manage the trigger setting that some cameras possess. Indeed, when a camera is switched to external trigger mode, it will only acquire images when receiving an external signal. But if this signal is itself issued by a device controlled from Crappy, then the camera cannot acquire images for display in the CameraConfig window, as the InOut used for generating the signal will only do so once the configuration window closes ! To address this problem, a new method was introduced specifically for instantiating a trigger setting : the add_trigger_setting() method !

When calling this method, a new CameraChoiceSetting is instantiated with the name 'trigger'. Its possible choices are 'Free run', 'Hdw after config' and 'Hardware', and its default is 'Free run'. The only arguments left for the user to set are thus the getter and the setter methods. This trigger setting appears in the configuration window just like any other setting, and can be accessed and modified in the code as well. It is really just a normal setting, but with a pre-determined name and choices !

When set to 'Free run' mode, the camera should acquire images without needing an external trigger. When set to 'Hardware', the camera should only acquire images when receiving a hardware trigger. What is more interesting is definitely the 'Hdw after config' mode : when set, the camera stays in free run mode as long as the configuration window is opened, but switches to hardware trigger mode as soon as the window is closed ! This way, you can adjust the various settings interactively in the configuration window, but still use the hardware trigger mode for the test !

As mentioned above, the user still has to define the getter and setter methods. For the setter, both the 'Free run' and 'Hdw after config' settings should set the camera to free run mode, and the 'Hardware' setting should set the camera to hardware trigger mode. For the getter now, it should return 'Hardware' is the camera is in hardware trigger mode, and either 'Free run' or 'Hdw after config' otherwise, depending on the last value set by the setter. It is not the most straightforward getter to implement, we know ! This aspect should be improved in future releases, but for now you’ll have to cope with it. You can get inspiration from the Xi API Camera that implements it already.

4.a.2. Software ROI setting

In addition to the trigger setting, another improvement was brought to make user’s life easier : the add_software_roi() method. It allows to crop the acquired images to the desired dimension, so that they take less space when recorded, or can be processed faster. The remaining Region Of Interest should of course only contain the area relevant to your test. Unlike the hardware ROI setting that some cameras might possess, this setting does not influence the image acquisition, and thus does not improve the acquisition rate.

Under the hood, the add_software_roi() method instantiates four CameraScaleSetting managing the position and size of the ROI. These settings are 'ROI_x', 'ROI_y', 'ROI_width' and 'ROI_height', and their arguments are inaccessible to the user. The only values that the user has to provide are the width and the height of the acquired images, as arguments to the add_software_roi() method.

The application of the software ROI to the acquired images is not automatic, you have to run the apply_soft_roi() on the acquired image in order for it to be effective. It returns the cropped image, or None if there’s nothing left to display (shouldn’t happen). You can find examples of usage for the software ROI in CameraOpencv, or in the examples folder on GitHub.

4.b. Reload slider and choice settings

The software ROI setting described in the previous sub-section sure is nice, but what happens to it when the size of the acquired images change because of another setting that controls the image format ? After all, the limits of the sliders that it creates depend on the image size given by the user, and once the open() method of Camera returns, there’s no way to re-instantiate the settings. To address this problem, and all the similar ones that users might face, we added the possibility to “reload” the CameraScaleSetting and the CameraChoiceSetting. Reloading a setting means either adjusting the limits of the slider, or changing the labels and/or the number of choices, depending on the type of setting.

In practice, each setting (except for the boolean ones) possess a reload() method, that allows to reload it. The arguments to provide depend on the type of setting. The calls to reload() should be placed in the relevant getter or setter methods, so that when the value of a setting changes it adjusts the other settings accordingly. It is totally not mandatory to do so, and most Cameras won’t ever need to reload any setting. For the specific case of the software ROI setting, the Camera class defines a specific reload_software_roi() method for reloading it. You can check the CameraOpencv Camera to see an example of a class implementing a setting reload.


The possibility to reload settings is still recent, and might not be fully stable. If you have trouble using it, please report it (see the Troubleshooting page).

4.c. Manage the metadata of the images

For the last feature of th Camera objects presented in the tutorials, let’s introduce the possibility to include metadata in the information returned by a Camera ! So far, it was always mentioned that the first value that the open() method of Cameras should return is the timestamp of the acquired image. That is actually incorrect, since it is also possible to return a dict containing metadata about the acquired image ! This option is only interesting if the used camera can return metadata, such as the frame number, the aperture, the exposure time, etc.

The returned dictionary should replace the bare timestamp value, and must contain at least two keys. The 't(s)' key contains the timestamp of the image, as given by the time.time. And the 'ImageUniqueID' key should contain an integer allowing to identify the image, like the index of the acquired frame. In the case when only a timestamp is returned (and not a metadata dict), the frame index is calculated automatically by Crappy based on the images it sees, but might not correspond to the real frame index of the camera.

Apart from these two mandatory keys, the user is free to include any other key carrying any other type of information. Relevant information in the context of experimental research could be the moment when the image was captured (different from the moment when it was transmitted to Crappy), the exposure time, etc. All the data included in the returned dictionary is meant to be written in a metadata.csv file saved along with the recorded images, that contains for each image its metadata. For each key of the dictionary that is a valid EXIF tag, the metadata will also be embedded in the recorded images if the PIL backend is used for recording. The 'ImageUniqueID' is already a valid EXIF tag, and the time information is split and recorded over the 'DateTimeOriginal' and 'SubsecTimeOriginal' tags. For now, none of the Cameras implemented in Crappy return metadata as a dict, but that will change in future releases !

5. Custom Camera Blocks

On the previous tutorial page, a section was dedicated to the instantiation of custom Blocks. Always moving one step further into customization, we’re going to see in this section how you can create your own subclass of a particular subclass of Block, namely the Camera Block !

Basically, the Camera Block provides three functionalities. First, it acquires images by driving a Camera object. Then, it can optionally display the acquired images in a dedicated window. And third, it can optionally record the acquired images. The great advantage of this Block is that it can perform these three operations in parallel, and therefore optimize the framerate for each functionality. The counterpart is that these three operations must be embedded into a single Block, rather than performed separately by three different Blocks. More details about the implementation of the Camera Block can be found in the Developers section of the documentation.

In the Camera Block, some lines of code provide the possibility to perform a fourth operation in parallel : image processing on the acquired images. While the Camera Block itself does not make use of this possibility, children of Camera can use it very easily and implement parallelized image processing. For instance, the Video Extenso and the DIC VE Blocks are children of Camera that implement real-time video-extensometry on the acquired images. So, in most cases, the Camera Block should be subclassed by users wishing to implement their own custom image processing method in Crappy.

Now, in practice, how to write your own subclass of Camera ? As mentioned above, the base Camera Block already handles the acquisition, the display, and the recording of the images. All that’s left for you to define is how to correctly process the images, and what results to send to downstream Blocks. But remember that just like the other functionalities, the processing is also parallelized ! This means that it cannot be performed directly in the custom Camera Block, but rather in another object : a CameraProcess. So, anyone who wants to implement their own image processing in Crappy must create two new classes : one child of Camera, and one child of CameraProcess !

5.a. The CameraProcess class

Just like the other custom objects that you can instantiate in Crappy, there is a template for the CameraProcess :

import crappy

class MyCameraProcess(crappy.blocks.camera_processes.CameraProcess):

    def __init__():

    def init(self):

    def loop(self):

    def finish(self):

Let’s review one by one the methods that you can define :

  • In __init__() you should only handle the arguments that your CameraProcess accepts, nothing more ! The reason for that is that this method runs in a separate “context” than the following ones, so as little as possible should be performed there.

  • init() is where you can instantiate and initialize the various objects that you will use for the image processing. It is fine to leave this method undefined.

  • loop() is called repeatedly, and is the equivalent of the loop() method of the Block. It should handle the received images, process them, and send the result to downstream Blocks. The methods and objects to use for that are detailed below.

  • finish() is the equivalent of the finish() method of the Block. It is called at the very end when Crappy finishes, and should de-initialize the objects used for the image processing. It is fine to leave this method undefined.

The Base CameraProcess class handles the calls to these methods, as well as the exceptions that might be raised. All the user has to do is to define them. In addition to the methods that the user has to define, there are three other methods that can be called and provide extra functionalities :

  • send() is the equivalent of the send() method of the Block, of which it is almost an exact copy. It allows to send data to downstream Block, and takes one argument either as a dict or as an Iterable if the self._labels attribute is defined (and not self.labels like in the Block). Refer to the method of Block for more information.

  • send_to_draw() allows to send Overlay objects for the displayer to show as an overlay on top of the displayed images. It is discussed in more details in a next subsection.

  • log() is the equivalent of the log() method of the Block, and allows handling log messages without resorting to the print function.

On top of that, two very useful attributes are defined by the CameraProcess class :

  • self.img contains the latest image captured by the Camera Block, as a numpy array. It is updated automatically, so users just have to use it as is. Also note that the loop() method is only called again if a new image was received since the last call, so self.img should be a different image at every call !

  • self.metadata contains the metadata associated with the image stored in self.img. The metadata is in the format described in the dedicated section. It is especially useful for retrieving the timestamp and the frame index of the processed image.

Now that you have a general overview of the methods and attribute that the CameraProcess exposes, it is time to demonstrate how to use them in a demo CameraProcess :

# coding: utf-8

import crappy
import cv2

class CustomCameraProcess(crappy.blocks.camera_processes.CameraProcess):

  def __init__(self,


    self._eye_cascade = None

    self._scale_factor = scale_factor
    self._min_neighbors = min_neighbors

  def init(self):

    self._eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( + 'haarcascade_eye.xml')

  def loop(self):

    eyes = self._eye_cascade.detectMultiScale(self.img,
    self.send({'t(s)': self.metadata['t(s)'], 'eyes': eyes})

In the example code, the defined class uses OpenCV to detect eyes on the received images. It returns the timestamp of the image, and an object containing the coordinates of the detected eyes. Here, the finish() method is missing, because there is nothing to de-initialize. As described above, the __init__() method only handles the given arguments, init() makes the class ready for looping, and loop() performs the main detection task. The self.img attribute is used as an argument to the eye detection function, and self.metadata is used for returning the timestamp of the current image to downstream Blocks. This class alone is not enough for running the eye detection with Crappy, a corresponding custom Camera Block now has to be defined in the next subsection !


By default, the loop() method is called every time a new image is grabbed by the CameraProcess. It is possible to tune this behavior by overriding the _get_data() method. See the ImageSaver Process for an example.


By default, a counter accessible via the self.fps_count attribute is incremented every time a new image is grabbed by the CameraProcess. It is only used in case the display_freq argument of the Camera Block is set to True, to keep track of the framerate achieved by the CameraProcess. If you have specific situations to handle (e.g. a call to loop() that does not actually process the new image), you can access the self.fps_count attribute and decrement or modify it yourself.

5.b. Writing the custom Camera Block

To be able to use your freshly defined custom CameraProcess, you now have to create a custom Camera Block that makes use of the CameraProcess. Since most of the complexity is handled in the base parent class, the template for a child of the Camera Block is pretty basic :

import crappy

class MyCameraBlock(crappy.blocks.Camera):

    def __init__(self,


    def prepare(self):
        self.process_proc = CustomCameraProcess()

Notice that since your new __init__() method overrides the one from the parent class, you have to handle all the parameters of the parent class in addition to the ones that you might add ! As usual, __init__() should instantiate all the objects that will be used in your class and handle the arguments. In simple cases, prepare() is very basic and is only used for setting the CameraProcess to use. Except for that, there is nothing more to do on the Camera Block side !


If you use the VideoExtenso Block for example, you have to select spots to track in the configuration window. To achieve such a behavior, you’ll need to override the _configure() method in your child Camera Block, and to define your own version of CameraConfig. This possibility is very specific, so it is not described in the tutorials.

5.c. Sending an overlay to the Displayer

Because the CameraProcess deals with images, it can be interesting to have a real-time display of how the processing is performing. To do so, the base CameraProcess class provides the send_to_draw() method that allows to send objects to the Displayer Process to draw overlays on top of the displayed images. Of course, it will only work if the display_images argument of the Camera Block is set to True.

The objects indicating what to draw should be children of the Overlay class. They only need to define the draw() method, that takes the image to display as an argument and draws the overlay on top of it. Here is what it looks like for displaying a black ellipse :

# coding: utf-8

import crappy
import cv2

class Ellipse(crappy.tool.camera_config.Overlay):

  def __init__(self, center_x, center_y, x_axis, y_axis):


    self._center_x = center_x
    self._center_y = center_y
    self._x_axis = x_axis
    self._y_axis = y_axis

  def draw(self, img):

    thickness = max(img.shape[0] // 480, img.shape[1] // 640, 1) + 1
                (self._center_x, self._center_y),
                (self._x_axis, self._y_axis),

To transmit the overlay to the Displayer Process, the send_to_draw() should send a collection of instances of Overlays. It is as simple as that ! Crappy only comes with one predefined Overlay object, the Box, but it is easy enough to define your own ones. Here is what the custom CameraProcess defined in the previous sub-section looks like after integrating the code for sending overlays :

# coding: utf-8

import crappy
import cv2

class CustomCameraProcess(crappy.blocks.camera_processes.CameraProcess):

  def __init__(self,


    self._eye_cascade = None

    self._scale_factor = scale_factor
    self._min_neighbors = min_neighbors

  def init(self):

    self._eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( + 'haarcascade_eye.xml')

  def loop(self):

    eyes = self._eye_cascade.detectMultiScale(self.img,
    to_draw = list()
    for (x, y, width, height) in eyes:
      to_draw.append(Ellipse(int(x + width / 2), int(y + height / 2),
                             int(width / 2), int(height / 2)))

    self.send({'t(s)': self.metadata['t(s)'], 'eyes': eyes})

5.d. Final runnable example

It is now time to put together all the custom classes that were defined in the previous sub-sections. There is first the custom Overlay class for drawing an ellipse overlay on top of the displayed images. It is used by the custom CameraProcess that performs eye detection on the acquired images. This custom CameraProcess is itself instantiated by a custom child of the Camera Block, that is the final object called by the user in its script. Based on these development, here is a final runnable code performing eye detection and adding the detected eyes on the displayed images :

(Expand to see the full code)
# coding: utf-8

import crappy
import cv2

class Ellipse(crappy.tool.camera_config.Overlay):

  def __init__(self, center_x, center_y, x_axis, y_axis):


    self._center_x = center_x
    self._center_y = center_y
    self._x_axis = x_axis
    self._y_axis = y_axis

  def draw(self, img):

    thickness = max(img.shape[0] // 480, img.shape[1] // 640, 1) + 1
                (self._center_x, self._center_y),
                (self._x_axis, self._y_axis),

class CustomCameraProcess(crappy.blocks.camera_processes.CameraProcess):

  def __init__(self,


    self._eye_cascade = None

    self._scale_factor = scale_factor
    self._min_neighbors = min_neighbors

  def init(self):

    self._eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( + 'haarcascade_eye.xml')

  def loop(self):

    eyes = self._eye_cascade.detectMultiScale(self.img,
    to_draw = list()
    for (x, y, width, height) in eyes:
      to_draw.append(Ellipse(int(x + width / 2), int(y + height / 2),
                             int(width / 2), int(height / 2)))

    self.send({'t(s)': self.metadata['t(s)'], 'eyes': eyes})

class CustomCameraBlock(crappy.blocks.Camera):

  def __init__(self,


    self._scale_factor = scale_factor
    self._min_neighbors = min_neighbors

  def prepare(self):

    self.process_proc = CustomCameraProcess(self._scale_factor,

if __name__ == '__main__':

  cam = CustomCameraBlock('Webcam',

  stop = crappy.blocks.StopButton()

  reader = crappy.blocks.LinkReader(), reader)



To run this example, you’ll need to have the opencv-python and Pillow Python modules installed.

This custom Camera Block script is based on an example that you can find in the examples folder on GitHub. You can download it to run it locally on your machine. Note that the 'Webcam' camera is used here, so this example will require a camera readable by OpenCV to be plugged to the computer. The instantiation of custom image processing in Crappy is definitely one of the most advanced things you can perform, but it is totally worth it if you want to have your processing parallelized with the acquisition and the display and/or recording of the images. There will likely be changes and improvements on these aspects in future releases.

6. Sharing custom objects and Blocks

You have been through all the tutorials of Crappy and have now become a master at creating and using your own objects, and you now want to share your works with other user ? No problem ! There are several options for that, some very simple and some other much more demanding. Let’s review them all in this last section of the tutorials !

The first and most simple option for sharing your custom objects is to put them in separate files, along with their necessary imports, and to share these files. Other people will be able to use them by importing your custom objects in their script, e.g. with from file_name import CustomObject. It is the way to go in most situations, as it is very quicly done and only requires to send one or a few files. The persons who receive the file can also easily modify it and share it themselves. You got it, the main advantage of processing this way is that it is very flexible. The only drawback is that the versions of Crappy for the sender and the receiver might not be the same, in which case the code might not run on the receiver’s side. Also, for the receiver, two steps are involved : installing Crappy and copying the sent files.

Some users might want to distribute their work in a more rigid way, for example an engineer distributing the same immutable code to several users of a machine. It is possible to create and share installation files, a.k.a wheels, that contain a modified version of Crappy that can be installed using pip. To do so, one has to clone Crappy, i.e. make a local copy of its source files, modify it to include the new custom objects, and build the wheel to share. This way, everyone runs the same code, and also cannot have an incompatible version since the version is fixed by the creator of the wheel. How to properly modify a Python module to include new files is not described here, neither is how to build and install a new wheel. This paragraph simply indicates the possibility to do so. You should however find plenty of help on internet if you want to give it a try !

There is one last possible way to share your work, it is to integrate it to the collection of classes and Blocks distributed with the official version of Crappy ! To do so, you should first fork Crappy, i.e. create a copy of it on your own GitHub account. After modifying this copy to include your own files, you can submit a pull request to the maintainers to request integration of your work on the official repository of Crappy. Again, this paragraph is not a git or GitHub tutorial, and we’re not going to give more details about this whole process. If you wish to contribute to Crappy, you should anyway get in touch with the developers on GitHub at some point ! For contributors, the Developers information page of the documentation provides a few guidelines, as well as more insights on the content of the module than the tutorials. If there’s a feature you would like to see in Crappy, but that you don’t feel capable of implementing yourself, you can also request improvements directly on GitHub.

That concludes the tutorials of Crappy ! We hope they have been helpful for getting started with the module, and that you were able to find an answer to all your questions here. If not, do not hesitate to request halp on our GitHub page ! Also, if you publish any academic work conducted with the help of Crappy, please do not forget to cite us !