Exceptions & missing Python modules

exception crappy._global.CameraPrepareError[source]

Error raised by a Camera when one of its children processes crashes while preparing.

exception crappy._global.CameraRuntimeError[source]

Error raised by a Camera when one of its children processes crashes while running.

exception crappy._global.CrappyFail[source]

Exception raised when an unexpected Exception is caught in Crappy. Also raised when all the Blocks do not terminate gracefully.

exception crappy._global.DefinitionError(msg: str)[source]

Exception raised when trying to define an object with the same name as an already-defined one.

exception crappy._global.GeneratorStop[source]

Exception raised when a Generator Block reaches the end of its Path.

exception crappy._global.LinkDataError[source]

Exception raised when trying to send a wrong data type through a Link.

exception crappy.tool.image_processing.video_extenso.LostSpotError[source]

Exception raised when a spot is lost, or when there’s too much overlapping.

exception crappy._global.PrepareError[source]

Error raised in a Block when waiting for all Blocks to be ready but another Block fails to prepare.

exception crappy._global.ReaderStop[source]

Exception raised when a FileReader Camera has exhausted all the images to read.

exception crappy._global.StartTimeout[source]

Exception raised when the start event takes too long to be set.

exception crappy._global.T0NotSetError[source]

Exception raised when requesting the t0 value when it is not set.

class crappy._global.OptionalModule(module_name: str, message: str | None = None, lazy_import: bool = False)[source]

Placeholder for optional dependencies that are not installed.

Will display a message and raise an error when trying to use them.

New in version 1.4.0.

__init__(module_name: str, message: str | None = None, lazy_import: bool = False) None[source]

Sets the arguments.

  • module_name – The name of the module s a str, preferably the one invoked with pip install.

  • message – Optionally, the message to display in case the module is missing (as a str). If not provided, a generic message will be displayed.

  • lazy_import – If True, the module won’t be imported directly even if it is installed. Instead, it will be imported only when necessary. Allows reducing the import time, especially on Window.

New in version 2.0.0: lazy_import argument

__getattr__(attr: str) Any[source]

Method normally raising an exception indicating that the module is missing.

In case the lazy_import argument was set to True, still tries to get the desired attribute and raises the exception only if the module is missing.

__call__(*_, **__) NoReturn[source]

Method raising an exception indicating that the module is missing.