Source code for crappy.actuator.pololu_tic

# coding: utf-8

from subprocess import check_output
from threading import Thread, RLock
from time import sleep
from typing import Union, Dict, Optional
import logging

from .meta_actuator import Actuator
from .._global import OptionalModule

  import yaml
  is_installed = True
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  is_installed = False
  getattr(yaml, 'FullLoader')
  full_loader = True
except (AttributeError, NameError):
  full_loader = False
if not is_installed:
  # If it was in the first try/except, a message would be displayed at getattr
  yaml = OptionalModule("pyyaml")

  from usb import core
  from usb import util

  Tic_usb_request = {'Cmd': util.CTRL_OUT |
                     util.CTRL_TYPE_VENDOR |
                     'Var': util.CTRL_IN |
                     util.CTRL_TYPE_VENDOR |
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  util = core = OptionalModule("pyusb")
  Tic_usb_request = {'Cmd': 0x40,
                     'Var': 0xC0}

Tic_vendor_id = 0x1FFB

Tic_product_id = {'T825': 0x00B3,
                  'T834': 0x00B5,
                  'T500': 0x00BD,
                  'N825': 0x00C3,
                  'T249': 0x00C9,
                  '36v4': 0x00CB}

Tic_max_allowed_current = {'T825': 3968,
                           'T834': 3456,
                           'T500': 3093,
                           'T249': 4480,
                           '36v4': 3939}

Tic_36v4_max_current = 9095

Tic_current_steps = {'T834': 32,
                     'T825': 32,
                     'T249': 40,
                     '36v4': 71.615}

Tic_step_modes = {'T825': [2 ** i for i in range(6)],
                  'T834': [2 ** i for i in range(6)],
                  'T500': [2 ** i for i in range(4)],
                  'T249': [2 ** i for i in range(6)] + ['2_100p'],
                  '36v4': [2 ** i for i in range(9)]}

Tic_step_mode = {1: 0,
                 2: 1,
                 4: 2,
                 8: 3,
                 16: 4,
                 32: 5,
                 '2_100p': 6,
                 64: 7,
                 128: 8,
                 256: 9}

Tic_cmd = {'Set_target_position': 0xE0,
           'Set_target_velocity': 0xE3,
           'Halt_and_set_position': 0xEC,
           'Halt_and_hold': 0x89,
           'Go_home': 0x97,
           'Reset_command_timeout': 0x8C,
           'Deenergize': 0x86,
           'Energize': 0x85,
           'Exit_safe_start': 0x83,
           'Enter_safe_start': 0x8F,
           'Reset': 0xB0,
           'Clear_driver_error': 0x8A,
           'Set_max_speed': 0xE6,
           'Set_starting_speed': 0xE5,
           'Set_max_accel': 0xEA,
           'Set_max_decel': 0xE9,
           'Set_step_mode': 0x94,
           'Set_current_limit': 0x91,
           'Set_decay_mode': 0x92,
           'Set_AGC_option': 0x98,
           'Get_variable': 0xA1,
           'Get_variable_and_clear_errors_occurred': 0xA2,
           'Get_setting': 0xA8,
           'Set_setting': 0x13,
           'Reinitialize': 0x10,
           'Start_bootloader': 0xFF,
           'Get_debug_data': 0x20}

# offsets/indexes
Tic_var = {'Operation_state': 0x00,
           'Misc_flags1': 0x01,
           'Error_status': 0x02,
           'Errors_occurred': 0x04,
           'Planning_mode': 0x09,
           'Target_position': 0x0A,
           'Target_velocity': 0x0E,
           'Starting_speed': 0x12,
           'Max_speed': 0x16,
           'Max_decel': 0x1A,
           'Max_accel': 0x1E,
           'Current_position': 0x22,
           'Current_velocity': 0x26,
           'Acting_target_position': 0x2A,
           'Time_since_last_step': 0x2E,
           'Device_reset': 0x32,
           'Vin_voltage': 0x33,
           'Up_time': 0x35,
           'Encoder_position': 0x39,
           'RC_pulse_width': 0x3D,
           'Analog_reading_SCL': 0x3F,
           'Analog_reading_SDA': 0x41,
           'Analog_reading_TX': 0x43,
           'Analog_reading_RX': 0x45,
           'Digital_readings': 0x47,
           'Pin_states': 0x48,
           'Step_mode': 0x49,
           'Current_limit': 0x4A,
           'Decay_mode': 0x4B,
           'Input_state': 0x4C,
           'Input_after_averaging': 0x4D,
           'Input_after_hysteresis': 0x4F,
           'Input_after_scaling': 0x51}

# indexes
Tic_settings = {'Setting_not_initialized': 0x00,
                'Control_mode': 0x01,
                'Never_sleep': 0x02,
                'Disable_safe_start': 0x03,
                'Ignore_err_line_high': 0x04,
                'Serial_baud_rate_generator': 0x05,
                'Serial_device_number': 0x07,
                'Auto_clear_driver_error': 0x08,
                'Command_timeout_low': 0x09,
                'Command_timeout_high': 0x0A,
                'Serial_CRC_enabled': 0x0B,
                'Low_vin_timeout': 0x0C,
                'Low_vin_shutoff_voltage': 0x0E,
                'Low_vin_startup_voltage': 0x10,
                'High_vin_shutoff_voltage': 0x12,
                'Vin_calibration': 0x14,
                'RC_max_pulse_period': 0x16,
                'RC_bad_signal_timeout': 0x18,
                'RC_consecutive_good_pulses': 0x1A,
                'Invert_motor_direction': 0x1B,
                'Input_error_min': 0x1C,
                'Input_error_max': 0x1E,
                'Input_scaling_degree': 0x20,
                'Input_invert': 0x21,
                'Input_min': 0x22,
                'Input_neutral_min': 0x24,
                'Input_neutral_max': 0x26,
                'Input_max': 0x28,
                'Output_min': 0x2A,
                'Input_averaging_enabled': 0x2E,
                'Input_hysteresis': 0x2F,
                'Current_limit_during_error': 0x31,
                'Output_max': 0x32,
                'Switch_polarity_map': 0x36,
                'Encoder_postscaler': 0x37,
                'SCL_config': 0x3B,
                'SDA_config': 0x3C,
                'TX_config': 0x3D,
                'RX_config': 0x3E,
                'RC_config': 0x3F,
                'Current_limit': 0x40,
                'Step_mode': 0x41,
                'Decay_mode': 0x42,
                'Starting_speed': 0x43,
                'Max_speed': 0x47,
                'Max_decel': 0x4B,
                'Max_accel': 0x4F,
                'Soft_error_response': 0x53,
                'Soft_error_position': 0x54,
                'Encoder_prescaler': 0x58,
                'Encoder_unlimited': 0x5C,
                'Kill_switch_map': 0x5D,
                'Serial_response_delay': 0x5E,
                'Limit_switch_forward_map': 0x5F,
                'Limit_switch_reverse_map': 0x60,
                'Homing_speed_towards': 0x61,
                'Homing_speed_away': 0x65,
                'Serial_device_number_high': 0x69,
                'Serial_alt_device_number': 0x6A,
                'Size': 0x5F,
                'Unrestricted_current_limit': 0x6C}

Tic_current_tables = {'T500': [0, 1, 174, 343, 495, 634, 762, 880, 990, 1092,
                               1189, 1281, 1368, 1452, 1532, 1611, 1687, 1762,
                               1835, 1909, 1982, 2056, 2131, 2207, 2285, 2366,
                               2451, 2540, 2634, 2734, 2843, 2962, 3093],
                      'T834': [index * Tic_current_steps['T834'] for index in
                               (list(range(33)) + list(range(34, 65, 2)) +
                                list(range(68, 109, 4)))],
                      'T825': [index * Tic_current_steps['T825'] for index in
                               (list(range(33)) + list(range(34, 65, 2)) +
                                list(range(68, 125, 4)))],
                      'T249': [index * Tic_current_steps['T249'] for index in
                               (list(range(33)) + list(range(34, 65, 2)) +
                                list(range(68, 113, 4)))],
                      '36v4': [index * Tic_current_steps['36v4'] for index in

Tic_max_accel = 2147483647  # steps/s/100s
Tic_min_accel = 100  # steps/s/100s
Tic_max_speed = 500000000  # steps/10000s, i.e. a 50 kHz frequency
Tic_min_speed = 7  # steps/10000s, i.e. 1 step every 23 minutes

Tic_backends = ['ticcmd', 'USB']

Tic_pins_bit = {'SCL': 0,
                'SDA': 1,
                'TX': 2,
                'RX': 3,
                'RC': 4}
Tic_pin_modes = {'Default': 0,
                 'Kill switch': 7,
                 'Limit switch forward': 8,
                 'Limit switch reverse': 9}
Tic_pin_polarity = {'Active low': 0,
                    'Active high': 1}

class FindSerialNumber:
  """A class used for finding USB devices matching a given serial number, using
     the :meth:`usb.core.find` method."""

  def __init__(self, serial_number: str) -> None:
    self.serial_number = serial_number

  def __call__(self, device) -> bool:
    return device.serial_number == self.serial_number

[docs] class PololuTic(Actuator): """Class for controlling Pololu's Tic stepper motor divers. The PololuTic Actuator block is meant for controlling a Pololu Tic stepper motor driver. It can be driven in both speed and position. Several Tic models are supported. The length unit is the millimeter (`mm`), and time unit is the second (`s`). Important: **Only for Linux users:** In order to drive the Tic, the appropriate udev rule should be set. This is done automatically when installing `ticcmd`, or can be done using the `udev_rule_setter` utility in ``crappy``'s `util` folder. It is also possible to add it manually by running: :: $ echo "SUBSYSTEM==\\"usb\\", ATTR{idVendor}==\\"1ffb\\", \ MODE=\\"0666\\\"" | sudo tee pololu.rules > /dev/null 2>&1 in a shell opened in ``/etc/udev/rules.d``. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 renamed from *Pololu_tic* to *PololuTic* """
[docs] def __init__(self, steps_per_mm: float, current_limit: float, step_mode: Union[int, str] = 8, max_accel: float = 20, t_shutoff: float = 0, config_file: Optional[str] = None, serial_number: Optional[str] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, reset_command_timeout: bool = True, backend: str = 'USB', unrestricted_current_limit: bool = False, pin_function: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, pin_polarity: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None: """Checks args validity, finds the right device, reads the current limit tables. Args: steps_per_mm: The number of full steps needed for the motor to travel `1 mm`. This varies according to the motor model, and can be deduced from the datasheet or directly measured. This value is usually between `50` and `500`. current_limit: The maximum current the motor is able to withstand, in mA. It is usually around `1A` for small stepper motors, and can go up to a few Amps. The maximum allowed ``current_limit`` value depends on the Tic model. The Tic 36v4 default maximum current limit can be increased using the ``unrestricted_current_limit`` parameter. step_mode: Sets the number of microsteps used for driving the motor. This number is always a power of `2`. The minimum number of microsteps is `1` (full steps), and the maximum depends on the Tic model. All models however support modes `1` to `8`. The speed and length conversions are managed automatically so that changing the step mode doesn't affect the motor behaviour. max_accel: The maximum allowed acceleration for the motor, in `mm/s²`. When asked to reach a given speed or position, the motor accelerates at this rate. It also corresponds to the maximum allowed deceleration. Usually doesn't need to be changed. t_shutoff: This class features an auto-shutoff thread that deenergizes the motor after a period of `t_shutoff` seconds of inactivity. The timer counts in steps of `0.1s`, which is thus the maximum precision for this setting. When set to `0`, this feature is disabled and the motor remains energized until the :meth:`close` method is called. config_file: The path to the config file to be loaded to the Tic. It only works if ``backend`` is 'ticcmd'. The config file contains some specific settings that can only be accessed this way using the 'ticcmd' backend. Not necessary for most applications. serial_number: The serial number of the Tic to be controlled. It must be given as a :obj:`str`, and it is an 8-digits number. Allows to control the right device if several Tic of the same model are connected. Otherwise, an error is raised. model: The model of the Tic to be controlled. Available models are: :: 'T825', 'T824', 'T500', 'N825', 'T249', '36v4' Allows to control the right device if several Tic of different models are connected. Otherwise, an error is raised. reset_command_timeout: Enables or disables the `reset_command_timeout` thread. It can only be disabled if ``backend`` is 'USB'. This thread pings the Tic every `0.5s`, so that it doesn't block due to a Command Timeout error. This feature is a safety to prevent the motor from running indefinitely if the USB connection is down, so it is better not to disable it. When disabled, the Tic never raises Command Timeout errors. backend: The backend for communicating with the Tic. Available backends are: :: 'USB', 'ticcmd' They both communicate over USB, but 'ticcmd' requires Pololu's firmware to be installed. Some features are specific to each backend. unrestricted_current_limit: Enables or disables the unrestricted current limit feature. Only works if ``backend`` is 'USB', and for the 36v4 Tic model. When disabled, the maximum current allowed is `3939mA`. If enabled, it goes up to `9095mA`. The Tic should however be cooled in order to withstand currents higher than `3939mA`. pin_function: Allows setting the Tic GPIO functions. It is a :obj:`dict` whose keys are the pin names, and values are the functions. Only works if ``backend`` is `'USB'`. Only the pins indicated in ``pin_function`` are set, the others are left in their previous state. The available pins are: :: 'SCL', 'SDA', 'TX', 'RX', 'RC' and can be set to: :: 'Default', 'Kill switch', 'Limit switch forward', \ 'Limit switch reverse' The GPIO functions remain set as long as they are not changed by the user, so for a given setup it is only necessary to set them once. pin_polarity: Allows setting the polarity of the GPIOs used as switches. It is a :obj:`dict`, whose keys are the pin names, and values are the pin polarities. Only works if ``backend`` is `'USB'`. Only the pins indicated in ``pin_function`` are set, the others are left in their previous state. The available pins are: :: 'SCL', 'SDA', 'TX', 'RX', 'RC' and can be set to: :: 'Active high', 'Active low' The GPIO polarities remain set as long as they are not changed by the user, so for a given setup it is only necessary to set them once. Warning: - ``current_limit``: If the ``current_limit`` setting is higher than the motor max current, there's a risk of overheating and damaging the motor ! Note: - ``steps_per_mm``: If you have to measure this value, it can be done easily following this procedure. Set ``steps_per_mm`` to `spm` (`100` should be fine), and ``step_mode`` to `sm` (`8` should be fine). Run a Crappy script for moving the motor from position `0` to position `p` (a few tenth of millimeters should be fine). The motor will reach an actual position `ap` that can be measured. The actual ``steps_per_mm`` value `aspm` for this motor can be calculated as follows: :: aspm = spm * p / ap - ``step_mode``: Increasing the number of microsteps allows to reduce the noise, the vibrations, and improve the precision. However, the more microsteps, the lower the maximum achievable speed for the motor. Chances that the motor misses microsteps are also higher when the number of microsteps is high. - ``t_shutoff``: This functionality was originally added for long tests in temperature controlled environments, so that the motor doesn't unnecessarily heat the setup when inactive. In other assays, it may still be useful for reducing the noise, the electromagnetic interference, or the energy consumption. - ``serial_number``: Serial numbers can be accessed using the `lsusb` command in Linux shell, or running ``ticcmd --list`` if `ticcmd` is installed. This number is also displayed during :meth:`__init__` if only one device is connected and ``serial_number`` is :obj:`None`. - ``model``: The model is written on the Tic board, and can be accessed by running ``ticcmd --list`` in a shell if `ticcmd` is installed. It is also displayed during :meth:`__init__` if only one device is connected and ``model`` is :obj:`None`. - **Pins settings**: The pin functions and polarity can also be set independently of ``crappy`` before starting the test, in the `ticgui`. """ super().__init__() if backend not in Tic_backends: raise ValueError("backend should be in {}".format(Tic_backends)) else: self._backend = backend if model is not None and model not in Tic_product_id: raise ValueError("model should be in {} if given".format(list( Tic_product_id.keys()))) if serial_number is not None and type(serial_number) is not str: raise ValueError("serial_number should be given as a string") # Finding the right device among all the connected ones if backend == 'USB': # Finding all devices matching the given inputs if model is None: if serial_number is None: devices = core.find(find_all=True, idVendor=Tic_vendor_id) else: devices = core.find(find_all=True, idVendor=Tic_vendor_id, custom_match=FindSerialNumber(serial_number)) else: if serial_number is None: devices = core.find(find_all=True, idVendor=Tic_vendor_id, idProduct=Tic_product_id[model]) else: devices = core.find(find_all=True, idVendor=Tic_vendor_id, idProduct=Tic_product_id[model], custom_match=FindSerialNumber(serial_number)) # Making sure there's only one matching device devices = list(devices) if len(devices) == 0: raise IOError("No matching device connected") elif len(devices) > 1: raise IOError("Several matching devices found, try specifying a " "device or a serial_number") else: self._dev = devices[0] # Setting self.serial_number and self.device if serial_number is None: self._serial_number = util.get_string(self._dev, self._dev.iSerialNumber) else: self._serial_number = serial_number if model is None: try: self._model = next(key for key, value in Tic_product_id.items() if value == self._dev.idProduct) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("The Tic model automatically found is not " "implemented in crappy") else: self._model = model elif backend == 'ticcmd': # Finding all devices matching the given inputs devices = check_output(['ticcmd', '--list']).decode("utf-8").split("\n") devices.pop() # Removing the '' element at the end of devices devices = [string.split(',') for string in devices] if model is not None: if serial_number is not None: devices = [dev for dev in devices if dev[0] == serial_number and model in dev[1]] else: devices = [dev for dev in devices if model in dev[1]] elif serial_number is not None: devices = [dev for dev in devices if dev[0] == serial_number] # Making sure there's only one matching device if len(devices) == 0: raise IOError("No matching device found") elif len(devices) > 1: raise IOError("Several matching devices found, try specifying a " "device or a serial_number") # Setting self.serial_number and self.device if serial_number is None: self._serial_number = devices[0][0] else: self._serial_number = serial_number if model is None: try: self._model = next(key for key in Tic_product_id if key in devices[0][1]) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("The Tic model automatically found is not " "implemented in crappy") else: self._model = model # Displaying model and serial_number if they were not specified by the user if serial_number is None: self.log(logging.INFO, f"Tic serial number: {self._serial_number}") if model is None: self.log(logging.INFO, f"Tic model: {self._model}") # Making sure the current limit is valid, especially for the 36v4 model if not 0 < current_limit < Tic_max_allowed_current[self._model]: if self._model == '36v4': if not 0 < current_limit < Tic_36v4_max_current: raise ValueError("current_limit should be between 0 and {} mA for " "this Tic model".format(Tic_36v4_max_current)) elif not unrestricted_current_limit: raise ValueError("current_limit exceeds the safety limit, which may " "cause overheating. Set unrestricted_current_limit " "to True if you want to keep this current_limit " "(only works if backend='USB')") elif backend != 'USB': raise ValueError("Setting unrestricted_current_limit to True only " "works if backend='USB'") else: raise ValueError("current limit should be between 0 and {} mA " "for this Tic model". format(Tic_max_allowed_current[self._model])) self._current_limit = current_limit self._unrestricted_current_limit = unrestricted_current_limit # Converting the current limit value to a current index, used by the # USB backend only if backend == 'USB': if self._model == 'T500': self._current_index = min(enumerate(Tic_current_tables[self._model]), key=lambda x: abs(x[1] - current_limit))[0] else: self._current_index = round(min(Tic_current_tables[self._model], key=lambda x: abs(x - current_limit)) / Tic_current_steps[self._model]) if step_mode not in Tic_step_modes[self._model]: raise ValueError("step_mode should be in {}".format( Tic_step_modes[self._model])) else: self._step_mode = step_mode if steps_per_mm < 0: raise ValueError("steps_per_mm should be positive") else: self._steps_per_mm = steps_per_mm # Keeping the max_accel and max_decel values within the Tic ratings if max_accel < self._to_mm(Tic_min_accel / 100): self.log(logging.WARNING, "Requested acceleration below min allowed " "acceleration, setting to min allowed " "acceleration") max_accel = self._to_mm(Tic_min_accel / 100) elif max_accel > self._to_mm(Tic_max_accel / 100): self.log(logging.WARNING, "Requested acceleration exceeding max allowed " "acceleration, setting to max allowed " "acceleration") max_accel = self._to_mm(Tic_max_accel / 100) self._max_accel = max_accel if t_shutoff < 0: raise ValueError("t_shutoff should be zero or positive") else: self._t_shutoff = t_shutoff if config_file is not None and backend != 'ticcmd': self.log(logging.WARNING, "Config files can only be loaded if " "backend='ticcmd', ignoring the given " "config_file") self._config_file = None else: self._config_file = config_file if backend != 'USB' and not reset_command_timeout: self.log(logging.WARNING, "reset_command_timeout can only be disabled " "if backend='USB', reset_command_timeout set " "to True") self._rct_on = True else: self._rct_on = reset_command_timeout if backend != 'USB' and pin_function is not None: raise ValueError("It is not possible to set the pin functions if " "the backend is not 'USB'") if pin_function is not None: if not all(key in Tic_pins_bit for key in pin_function): raise ValueError("Unexpected pin name, pin names should be in " "{}".format(list(Tic_pins_bit.keys()))) if not all(value in Tic_pin_modes for value in pin_function.values()): raise ValueError("Unexpected pin function, pin functions should be in " "{}".format(list(Tic_pin_modes.keys()))) self._pin_function = pin_function if backend != 'USB' and pin_polarity is not None: raise ValueError("It is not possible to set the pin polarities if " "the backend is not 'USB'") if pin_polarity is not None: if not all(key in Tic_pins_bit for key in pin_polarity): raise ValueError("Unexpected pin name, pin names should be in " "{}".format(list(Tic_pins_bit.keys()))) if not all(value in Tic_pin_polarity for value in pin_polarity.values()): raise ValueError("Unexpected pin function, pin functions should be in " "{}".format(list(Tic_pin_polarity.keys()))) self._pin_polarity = pin_polarity # The lock is meant for preventing interferences between the threads self._lock = RLock() # Definition of the flags self._timer_shutoff = False self._RCT = False self._reset_timer_shutoff = False self._close = False # Definition of the auxiliary threads self._thrd_rct = Thread(target=self._thread_rct) self._thrd_shutoff = Thread(target=self._thread_shutoff)
[docs] def open(self) -> None: """Sets the communication, the motor parameters and starts the threads.""" if self._backend == 'USB': try: self.log(logging.INFO, f"Setting configuration on USB device " f"{self._dev}") self._dev.set_configuration() except core.USBError: self.log(logging.ERROR, "An error occurred while setting the configuration of the USB" " device !\nYou may have to install the udev-rules for this " "USB device, this can be done using the udev_rule_setter " "utility in the util folder") raise # Setting the Tic according to the user parameters pin_changed = False if self._pin_polarity is not None: self._set_pin_polarity(self._pin_polarity) pin_changed = True if self._pin_function is not None: self._set_pin_function(self._pin_function) pin_changed = True if pin_changed: self._reset() self._enter_safe_start() self._deenergize() self._set_step_mode() self._set_current_limit() self._set_max_accel() self._set_max_decel() # Loading the config file if self._config_file is not None: self.log(logging.INFO, "Loading the config file") self._ticcmd('--settings', str(self._config_file)) # Starting the auxiliary threads # The RCT thread is not needed in case reset_command_timeout is False # The shutoff thread is not needed in case t_shutoff is zero if self._rct_on: self.log(logging.INFO, "Starting the thread for managing the command " "timeouts") self._thrd_rct.start() else: self.log(logging.INFO, "Disabling the command timeout security") self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_setting'], value=0x00, index=Tic_settings['Command_timeout_low']) self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_setting'], value=0x00, index=Tic_settings['Command_timeout_high']) if self._t_shutoff > 0: self.log(logging.INFO, "Starting the thread managing the auto shutoff") self._thrd_shutoff.start()
[docs] def get_speed(self) -> float: """Reads the current motor speed. Returns: The speed in `mm/s` """ if self._backend == 'ticcmd': return self._to_mm(yaml.load(self._ticcmd('-s'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) ['Current velocity'] / 10000) if full_loader else \ self._to_mm(yaml.load(self._ticcmd('-s'))['Current velocity'] / 10000) elif self._backend == 'USB': return self._to_mm(int.from_bytes( self._usb_command(request_type=Tic_usb_request['Var'], request=Tic_cmd['Get_variable'], index=Tic_var['Current_velocity'], data_or_length=4), byteorder='little', signed=True) / 10000)
[docs] def get_position(self) -> float: """Reads the current motor position. Returns: The position in `mm` .. versionchanged:: 1.5.2 renamed from *get_pos* to *get_position* """ if self._backend == 'ticcmd': return self._to_mm(yaml.load(self._ticcmd('-s'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) ['Current position']) if full_loader else \ self._to_mm(yaml.load(self._ticcmd('-s'))['Current position']) elif self._backend == 'USB': return self._to_mm(int.from_bytes( self._usb_command(request_type=Tic_usb_request['Var'], request=Tic_cmd['Get_variable'], index=Tic_var['Current_position'], data_or_length=4), byteorder='little', signed=True))
[docs] def set_position(self, position: float, speed: Optional[float]) -> None: """Sends a position command to the motor. Args: position: The position to reach in `mm` speed: The speed at which the motor should move to the given position, in `mm/s` Giving a speed other than :obj:`None` will set the maximum speed of the motor to that speed. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 *speed* is now a mandatory argument Note: - ``speed``: The only way to reach a position at a given speed is to change the maximum speed. The Tic will try to accelerate to the maximum speed but may remain slower if it doesn't have time to do so before reaching the given position. """ if speed is not None: self._set_max_speed(speed) # Energizing the motor self._energize() self._exit_safe_start() # Raising the flags self._timer_shutoff = True self._reset_timer_shutoff = True self._RCT = True # Sending the position command self._set_position(position)
[docs] def set_speed(self, speed: float) -> None: """Sends a speed command to the motor. Args: speed: The speed the motor should reach """ # Changing the maximum speed if needed max_speed = self._get_max_speed() if abs(speed) > max_speed: self._set_max_speed(speed) # The command speed may first need to be reduced or increased in order to # comply with the Tic ratings final_speed = min(abs(self._to_steps(speed * 10000)), Tic_max_speed) if final_speed: # If speed is 0, then it should remain 0 if final_speed < Tic_min_speed: self.log(logging.WARNING, "Requested speed below min possible speed, " "setting to min possible speed") final_speed = Tic_min_speed final_speed *= speed / abs(speed) # Energizing the motor self._energize() self._exit_safe_start() # Raising the flags self._timer_shutoff = True self._reset_timer_shutoff = True self._RCT = True # Sending the speed command self._set_velocity(final_speed)
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Sets the speed to `0`.""" self._set_velocity(0)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Stops the motor, joins the threads and deenergizes the motor.""" self._close = True if self._rct_on: self.log(logging.INFO, "Stopping the thread managing the command " "timeouts") self._thrd_rct.join() if self._t_shutoff > 0: self.log(logging.INFO, "Starting the thread managing the auto shutoff") self._thrd_shutoff.join() self._enter_safe_start() self._deenergize() if self._backend == 'USB': self.log(logging.INFO, "Releasing the USB resources") util.dispose_resources(self._dev)
def _to_steps(self, mm: float) -> float: """Wrapper for converting `mm` to `steps`.""" return mm * self._steps_per_mm * self._step_mode def _to_mm(self, steps: float) -> float: """Wrapper for converting `steps` to `mm`.""" return steps / self._steps_per_mm / self._step_mode def _reset_command_timeout(self) -> None: """Sends a reset command timeout command.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Sending reset command timeout command") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--reset-command-timeout') elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Reset_command_timeout']) def _enter_safe_start(self) -> None: """Sends an enter safe start command.""" self.log(logging.INFO, "Entering safe start mode") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--enter-safe-start') elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Enter_safe_start']) def _exit_safe_start(self) -> None: """Sends an exit safe start command.""" self.log(logging.INFO, "Exiting safe start mode") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--exit-safe-start') elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Exit_safe_start']) def _deenergize(self) -> None: """Sends a deenergize command.""" self.log(logging.INFO, "Deenergizing the motor") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--deenergize') elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Deenergize']) def _energize(self) -> None: """Sends an energize command.""" self.log(logging.INFO, "Energizing the motor") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--energize') elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Energize']) def _set_step_mode(self) -> None: """Sends a set step mode command.""" self.log(logging.INFO, "Setting the micro-step mode") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--step-mode', str(self._step_mode)) elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_step_mode'], value=Tic_step_mode[self._step_mode]) def _set_current_limit(self) -> None: """Sends a set current limit command.""" self.log(logging.INFO, "Setting the current limit") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--current', str(self._current_limit)) elif self._backend == 'USB': if self._model == '36v4': self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_setting'], value=self._unrestricted_current_limit, index=Tic_settings['Unrestricted_current_limit']) self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_current_limit'], value=self._current_index) def _set_max_speed(self, speed: float) -> None: """Clamps the speed within the limits and sets it.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Setting the maximum speed") # The given speed may first need to be reduced or increased in order to # comply with the Tic ratings if abs(speed) > self._to_mm(Tic_max_speed / 10000): self.log(logging.WARNING, "Requested speed exceeding max allowed speed, " "setting to max allowed speed") max_speed = Tic_max_speed elif abs(speed) < self._to_mm(Tic_min_speed / 10000): self.log(logging.WARNING, "Requested speed below min possible speed, " "setting to min possible speed") max_speed = Tic_min_speed else: max_speed = abs(self._to_steps(speed * 10000)) if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--max-speed', str(int(max_speed))) elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_32_bit(request=Tic_cmd['Set_max_speed'], data=int(max_speed)) def _set_max_accel(self) -> None: """Clamps the acceleration within the limits and sets it.""" self.log(logging.INFO, "Setting the maximum acceleration") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--max-accel', str(int( self._to_steps(self._max_accel * 100)))) elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_32_bit(request=Tic_cmd['Set_max_accel'], data=int(self._to_steps(self._max_accel * 100))) def _set_max_decel(self) -> None: """Clamps the deceleration within the limits and sets it.""" self.log(logging.INFO, "Setting the maximum deceleration") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--max-decel', str(int( self._to_steps(self._max_accel * 100)))) elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_32_bit(request=Tic_cmd['Set_max_decel'], data=int(self._to_steps(self._max_accel * 100))) def _set_position(self, position: float) -> None: """Sends a set position command.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Setting the position") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--position', str(int(self._to_steps(position)))) elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_32_bit(request=Tic_cmd['Set_target_position'], data=int(self._to_steps(position))) def _set_velocity(self, velocity: float) -> None: """Sends a set velocity command.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Setting the velocity") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': self._ticcmd('--velocity', str(int(velocity))) elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_32_bit(request=Tic_cmd['Set_target_velocity'], data=int(velocity)) def _get_max_speed(self) -> float: """Reads the maximum speed from the motor.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Reading the maximum speed") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': return self._to_mm(yaml.load(self._ticcmd('-s', '--full'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) ['Max speed'] / 10000) if full_loader else \ self._to_mm(yaml.load(self._ticcmd('-s', '--full')) ['Max speed'] / 10000) elif self._backend == 'USB': return self._to_mm(int.from_bytes( self._usb_command(request_type=Tic_usb_request['Var'], request=Tic_cmd['Get_variable'], index=Tic_var['Max_speed'], data_or_length=4), byteorder='little', signed=False) / 10000) def _set_pin_function(self, pin_func: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Sets the pin function bitfields. Sends a command for setting each pin separately, and three commands for setting the Kill switch, Limit switch forward and Limit switch reverse bitfields. """ self.log(logging.INFO, "Setting the pin functions") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': pass elif self._backend == 'USB': # Reads the current bitfields kill_switch_map = int.from_bytes( self._usb_command(request_type=Tic_usb_request['Var'], request=Tic_cmd['Get_setting'], index=Tic_settings['Kill_switch_map'], data_or_length=1), byteorder='little', signed=False) limit_forward_map = int.from_bytes( self._usb_command(request_type=Tic_usb_request['Var'], request=Tic_cmd['Get_setting'], index=Tic_settings['Limit_switch_forward_map'], data_or_length=1), byteorder='little', signed=False) limit_reverse_map = int.from_bytes( self._usb_command(request_type=Tic_usb_request['Var'], request=Tic_cmd['Get_setting'], index=Tic_settings['Limit_switch_reverse_map'], data_or_length=1), byteorder='little', signed=False) for pin in pin_func: # Modifies the three bitfields if pin_func[pin] == 'Default': kill_switch_map &= 0xFF - (1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin]) limit_forward_map &= 0xFF - (1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin]) limit_reverse_map &= 0xFF - (1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin]) elif pin_func[pin] == 'Kill switch': kill_switch_map |= 1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin] limit_forward_map &= 0xFF - (1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin]) limit_reverse_map &= 0xFF - (1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin]) elif pin_func[pin] == 'Limit switch forward': kill_switch_map &= 0xFF - (1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin]) limit_forward_map |= 1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin] limit_reverse_map &= 0xFF - (1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin]) elif pin_func[pin] == 'Limit switch reverse': kill_switch_map &= 0xFF - (1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin]) limit_forward_map &= 0xFF - (1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin]) limit_reverse_map |= 1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin] # Sends an individual command for each pin self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_setting'], value=Tic_pin_modes[pin_func[pin]], index=Tic_settings[pin + '_config']) # Sets the three bitfields self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_setting'], value=kill_switch_map, index=Tic_settings['Kill_switch_map']) self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_setting'], value=limit_forward_map, index=Tic_settings['Limit_switch_forward_map']) self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_setting'], value=limit_reverse_map, index=Tic_settings['Limit_switch_reverse_map']) def _set_pin_polarity(self, pin_pol: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Sets the switch polarity bitfield.""" self.log(logging.INFO, "Setting the pin polarities") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': pass elif self._backend == 'USB': current = int.from_bytes( self._usb_command(request_type=Tic_usb_request['Var'], request=Tic_cmd['Get_setting'], index=Tic_settings['Switch_polarity_map'], data_or_length=1), byteorder='little', signed=False) for pin in pin_pol: if Tic_pin_polarity[pin_pol[pin]]: current |= 1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin] else: current &= 0xFF - (1 << Tic_pins_bit[pin]) self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_setting'], value=current, index=Tic_settings['Switch_polarity_map']) def _reset(self) -> None: """Resets the Tic and reloads the settings.""" self.log(logging.INFO, "Resetting the device") if self._backend == 'ticcmd': pass elif self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Reset']) def _usb_command(self, request_type: int = Tic_usb_request['Cmd'], request: int = 0, value: int = 0, index: int = 0, data_or_length: int = 0) -> Union[bytearray, int]: """Wrapper for sending a USB control transfer.""" with self._lock: try: self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Sending USB command with " f"request type {request_type}, request " f"{request}, value {value}, index {index}," f"length or data {data_or_length}") result = self._dev.ctrl_transfer(bmRequestType=request_type, bRequest=request, wValue=value, wIndex=index, data_or_wLength=data_or_length) except core.USBError: raise IOError("An error occurred during USB communication") return result def _usb_32_bit(self, request: int, data: int) -> None: """Wrapper for sending USB requests containing 32-bits values.""" value = data & 0xFFFF index = data >> 16 & 0xFFFF self._usb_command(request=request, value=value, index=index) def _ticcmd(self, *args: str) -> bytes: """Wrapper for calling ticcmd in a subprocess.""" with self._lock: self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Calling ticcmd -d {self._serial_number} " f"{' '.join(args)}") return check_output(['ticcmd'] + ['-d'] + [self._serial_number] + list(args)) def _thread_shutoff(self) -> None: """Thread for deenergizing the motor after a given period of inactivity. This thread reads the speed every 0.1s, and increments a timer if the speed is `0`. Once the timer reaches `_t_shutoff`, deenergizes the motor. The timer is reset if a speed or position command is issued, or if the speed is not `0`. """ timer = 0 while not self._close: sleep(0.01) while self._timer_shutoff: # Exit if close flag raised if self._close: break # Resetting timer if reset flag raised if self._reset_timer_shutoff: timer = 0 self._reset_timer_shutoff = False # Checking if the motor is moving if self.get_speed() == 0: timer += 0.1 else: timer = 0 sleep(0.1) # Finally deenergizing the motor if all the conditions are met if timer > self._t_shutoff and \ not self._reset_timer_shutoff and \ not self._close: self._enter_safe_start() self._deenergize() self._timer_shutoff = False self._RCT = False # Stopping the RCT thread as well timer = 0 def _thread_rct(self) -> None: """Thread for sending the reset command timeout command every `0.5s`. This prevents the motor from stopping because of a reset command timeout error. Only sends the command when the motor is energized. """ # Setting command timeout to 1000ms if self._backend == 'USB': self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_setting'], value=0xE8, index=Tic_settings['Command_timeout_low']) self._usb_command(request=Tic_cmd['Set_setting'], value=0x03, index=Tic_settings['Command_timeout_high']) while not self._close: sleep(0.01) while self._RCT: if self._close: break self._reset_command_timeout() sleep(0.5)