Source code for

# coding: utf-8

from typing import Optional, Callable, Union
import logging

from .camera_setting import CameraSetting

NbrType = Union[int, float]

[docs] class CameraScaleSetting(CameraSetting): """Camera setting that can take any value between a lower and an upper boundary. It is a child of :class:``. This class can handle settings that should only take :obj:`int` values as well as settings that can take :obj:`float` value. The type used is :obj:`int` is both of the given lowest or highest values are :obj:`int`, otherwise :obj:`float` is used. .. versionadded:: 1.5.10 .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 renamed from *Camera_scale_setting* to *CameraScaleSetting* """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, lowest: NbrType, highest: NbrType, getter: Optional[Callable[[], NbrType]] = None, setter: Optional[Callable[[NbrType], None]] = None, default: Optional[NbrType] = None, step: Optional[NbrType] = None) -> None: """Sets the attributes. Args: name: The name of the setting, that will be displayed in the GUI. lowest: The lower boundary for the setting values. highest: The upper boundary for the setting values. getter: The method for getting the current value of the setting. setter: The method for setting the current value of the setting. default: The default value to assign to the setting. step: The step value for the variation of the setting values. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 add *step* argument """ self.lowest = lowest self.highest = highest self.step = step self.type = int if isinstance(self.lowest + self.highest, int) else float if default is None: default = self.type((self.lowest + self.highest) / 2) else: default = self.type(default) super().__init__(name, getter, setter, default) self._check_value()
@property def value(self) -> NbrType: """Returns the current value of the setting, by calling the getter if one was provided or else by returning the stored value. When the getter is called, calls the setter if one was provided and updates the sored value. After calling the setter, checks that the value was set by calling the getter and displays a warning message if the target and actual values don't match. """ if self._getter is not None: return self.type(min(max(self._getter(), self.lowest), self.highest)) else: return self.type(self._value_no_getter) @value.setter def value(self, val: NbrType) -> None: val = min(max(val, self.lowest), self.highest) self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Setting the setting {} to {val}") self._value_no_getter = self.type(val) if self._setter is not None: self._setter(self.type(val)) if self.value != val: # Double-checking, got strange behavior sometimes probably because of # delays in lower level APIs if self.value == val: return self.log(logging.WARNING, f"Could not set {} to {val}, the " f"value is {self.value} !")
[docs] def reload(self, lowest: NbrType, highest: NbrType, value: NbrType, default: Optional[NbrType] = None, step: Optional[NbrType] = None) -> None: """Allows modifying the limits and the step of the scale bar once it is already instantiated. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Reloading the setting {}") # Updating the lowest, highest, step and default values self.lowest = lowest self.highest = highest self.step = step if default is not None: self.default = self.type(default) else: self.default = self.type((lowest + highest) / 2) self._check_value() # Updating the slider limits and the setting value if self.tk_obj is not None: self.tk_obj.configure(to=self.highest, from_=self.lowest, resolution=self.step) if self.tk_var is not None: self.tk_var.set(value)
def _check_value(self) -> None: """Checks if the step value is compatible with the limit values and types of the scale settings. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ if self.step is not None: if self.type == int and isinstance(self.step, float): self.step = max(int(self.step), 1) self.log(logging.WARNING, f"Could not set {} step " f"(lowest: int, step: float), " f"the step is now {self.step} !") if self.highest > self.lowest and self.step > self.highest - self.lowest: self.step = 1 if self.type == int else (self.highest - self.lowest) / 1000 self.log(logging.WARNING, f"Could not set {} step, " f"the step is now {self.step} !") if self.type == int and (self.highest - self.lowest) % self.step: self.highest -= (self.highest - self.lowest) % self.step self.log(logging.WARNING, f"Could not set {} highest " f"with this step {self.step}," f" the highest is now {self.highest} !") else: self.step = 1 if self.type == int else (self.highest - self.lowest) / 1000