Source code for crappy.inout.ads1115

# coding: utf-8

from time import time
from re import findall
from typing import List, Optional
import logging

from .meta_inout import InOut
from .._global import OptionalModule

  from smbus2 import SMBus
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  smbus2 = OptionalModule("smbus2")

  import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  GPIO = OptionalModule("RPi.GPIO")

  import board
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  board = OptionalModule('board', 'Blinka is necessary to use the I2C bus')

  import busio
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  busio = OptionalModule('busio', 'Blinka is necessary to use the I2C bus')

  import adafruit_ads1x15.ads1115 as ads
  from adafruit_ads1x15.analog_in import AnalogIn
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  ADS = OptionalModule('adafruit_ads1x15',
                       'Blinka is necessary to use the I2C bus')
  AnalogIn = OptionalModule('AnalogIn',
                            'Blinka is necessary to use the I2C bus')

# Register and other configuration values:
Ads1115_pointer_conversion = 0x00
Ads1115_pointer_config = 0x01
Ads1115_pointer_lo_thresh = 0x02
Ads1115_pointer_hi_thresh = 0x03

Ads1115_config_mux = {'A0 - A1': 0x0000,
                      'A0 - A3': 0x1000,
                      'A1 - A3': 0x2000,
                      'A2 - A3': 0x3000,
                      'A0': 0x4000,
                      'A1': 0x5000,
                      'A2': 0x6000,
                      'A3': 0x7000}

Ads1115_config_gain = {0.256: 0x0a00,
                       0.512: 0x0800,
                       1.024: 0x0600,
                       2.048: 0x0400,
                       4.096: 0x0200,
                       6.144: 0x0000}

Ads1115_config_dr = {8: 0x0000,
                     16: 0x0020,
                     32: 0x0040,
                     64: 0x0060,
                     128: 0x0080,
                     250: 0x00A0,
                     475: 0x00C0,
                     860: 0x00E0}

Ads1115_blinka_gain = {0.256: 16,
                       0.512: 8,
                       1.024: 4,
                       2.048: 2,
                       4.096: 1,
                       6.144: 2/3}

Ads1115_backends = ['Pi4', 'blinka']

[docs] class ADS1115(InOut): """A class for controlling Adafruit's ADS1115 16-bits ADC. The ADS1115 InOut is meant for reading conversion values from a 16-bits ADS1115 ADC, using the I2C protocol. The output is in Volts by default, but a ``gain`` and an ``offset`` can be specified. Various settings can be adjusted, like the sample rate, the input mode or the voltage range. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 renamed from *Ads1115* to *ADS1115* """
[docs] def __init__(self, backend: str, device_address: int = 0x48, i2c_port: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 128, v_range: float = 2.048, multiplexer: str = 'A1', dry_pin: Optional[int] = None, gain: float = 1, offset: float = 0) -> None: """Checks the validity of the arguments. Args: backend: The backend for communicating with the ADS1115. Should be one of: :: 'Pi4', 'blinka' The `'Pi4'` backend is optimized but only works on boards supporting the :mod:`smbus2` module, like the Raspberry Pis. The `'blinka'` backend may be less performant and requires installing :mod:`Adafruit-Blinka` and :mod:`adafruit-circuitpython-ads1x15`, but these modules are compatible with and maintained on a wide variety of boards. device_address: The I2C address of the ADS1115. The default address is `0x48`, but it is possible to change this setting using the `ADDR` pin. i2c_port: The I2C port over which the ADS1115 should communicate. On most Raspberry Pi models the default I2C port is `1`. sample_rate: The sample rate for data conversion (in SPS). The available sample rates are: :: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 250, 475, 860 v_range: The value (in Volts) of the measured signal corresponding to the `0x7FFF` output in bits, i.e. that saturates the sensor. A signal of ``-v_range`` Volts gives a `0x8000` output in bits. Available ``v_range`` values are: :: 0.256, 0.512, 1.024, 2.048, 4.096, 6.144 multiplexer: Choice of the inputs to consider. Single-input modes actually measure `Ax - GND`. The available ``multiplexer`` values are: :: 'A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A0 - A1', 'A0 - A3', 'A1 - A3', 'A2 - A3' dry_pin: Optionally, reads the end of conversion signal from a GPIO rather than from an I2C message. Speeds up the reading and decreases the traffic on the I2C bus, but requires one extra wire. With the backend `'Pi4'`, give the index of the GPIO in BCM convention. This feature is not available with the `'blinka'` backend. .. versionadded:: 1.5.8 gain: Allows to tune the output value according to the formula : :math:`output = gain * tension + offset`. offset: Allows to tune the output value according to the formula : :math:`output = gain * tension + offset`. Warning: AINx voltages should not be higher than `VDD+0.3V` nor lower than `GND-0.3V`. Setting high ``v_range`` values does not allow measuring voltages higher than `VDD` !! .. versionremoved:: 2.0.0 *ft232h_ser_num* argument """ self._bus = None self._dry_pin = None if not isinstance(backend, str) or backend not in Ads1115_backends: raise ValueError("backend should be in {}".format(Ads1115_backends)) self._backend = backend super().__init__() if backend == 'Pi4': self._bus = SMBus(i2c_port) elif backend == 'blinka': i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) self._ads = ads.ADS1115(i2c) self._device_address = device_address if v_range not in Ads1115_config_gain: raise ValueError("v_range should be in {}".format(list( Ads1115_config_gain.keys()))) else: self._v_range = v_range if sample_rate not in Ads1115_config_dr: raise ValueError("sample_rate should be in {}".format(list( Ads1115_config_dr.keys()))) else: self._sample_rate = sample_rate if multiplexer not in Ads1115_config_mux: raise ValueError("multiplexer should be in {}".format(list( Ads1115_config_mux.keys()))) else: self._multiplexer = multiplexer if dry_pin is not None: if backend == 'ft232h' and not isinstance(dry_pin, str): raise TypeError('int_pin should be a string when using the ft232h ' 'backend !') elif backend == 'Pi4' and not isinstance(dry_pin, int): raise TypeError('int_pin should be an int when using the Pi4 ' 'backend !') elif backend == 'blinka' and dry_pin is not None: self.log(logging.WARNING, "Getting the end of conversion information " "from the DRY pin is not supported by the " "blinka backend") self._dry_pin = dry_pin self._chan = None self._gain = gain self._offset = offset
[docs] def open(self) -> None: """Initializes the I2C communication and the device.""" if self._backend == 'blinka': self._ads.gain = Ads1115_blinka_gain[self._v_range] self._ads.data_rate = self._sample_rate chan_nr = findall(r'\d', self._multiplexer) self.log(logging.INFO, "Opening the ADS1115 with backend blinka") if len(chan_nr) == 1: self._chan = AnalogIn(self._ads, getattr(ads, 'P{}'.format(chan_nr[0]))) else: self._chan = AnalogIn(self._ads, getattr(ads, 'P{}'.format(chan_nr[0])), getattr(ads, 'P{}'.format(chan_nr[1]))) else: if not self._is_connected(): raise IOError("The ADS1115 is not connected") # Setting the configuration register according to the user values init_value = Ads1115_config_mux[self._multiplexer] init_value |= Ads1115_config_gain[self._v_range] init_value |= 0x0100 # Single shot operating mode init_value |= Ads1115_config_dr[self._sample_rate] self.log(logging.INFO, "Initializing the ADS1115") if self._dry_pin is None: # Setting the two last bits to 11 to disable the DRY pin init_value |= 0x0003 self._set_register(Ads1115_pointer_config, init_value) # Setting the threshold registers to activate the DRY pin output if self._dry_pin is not None: self._set_register(Ads1115_pointer_lo_thresh, 0x0000) self._set_register(Ads1115_pointer_hi_thresh, 0xFFFF) if self._backend == 'Pi4' and self._dry_pin is not None: GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(self._dry_pin, GPIO.IN)
[docs] def get_data(self) -> List[float]: """Reads the registers containing the conversion result. The output is in Volts, unless a gain and offset are applied. Returns: A :obj:`list` containing the timestamp and the voltage value. """ if self._backend == 'blinka': out = [time()] value = self._chan.voltage else: # Reading the config register, and setting it so that the ADS1115 starts # a conversion ms_byte, ls_byte = self._bus.read_i2c_block_data(self._device_address, Ads1115_pointer_config, 2) self._set_register(Ads1115_pointer_config, ((ms_byte | 0x80) << 8) | ls_byte) # Waiting for the end of the conversion t0 = time() while not self._data_available(): if time() - t0 > 0.5: raise TimeoutError('Waited too long for data to be ready !') # Reading the output of the conversion out = [time()] ms_byte, ls_byte = self._bus.read_i2c_block_data( self._device_address, Ads1115_pointer_conversion, 2) self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Read {ms_byte, ls_byte} from the device " f"address {self._device_address} at " f"register {Ads1115_pointer_conversion}") # Converting the output value into Volts value_raw = (ms_byte << 8) | ls_byte if ms_byte >> 7: value_raw -= 2 ** 16 value = value_raw * self._v_range / 2 ** 15 out.append(self._offset + self._gain * value) return out
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Closes the I2C bus.""" if self._backend == 'Pi4' and self._bus is not None: self.log(logging.INFO, "Closing the ADS1115") self._bus.close() if self._backend == 'Pi4' and self._dry_pin is not None: self.log(logging.INFO, "CCleaning up the GPIOs") GPIO.cleanup()
def _set_register(self, register_address: int, value: int) -> None: """Thin wrapper for writing data to the registers.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Writing {[(value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF]} " f"to the address {self._device_address} in " f"register {register_address}") self._bus.write_i2c_block_data(self._device_address, register_address, [(value >> 8) & 0xFF, value & 0xFF]) def _is_connected(self) -> bool: """Tries reading a byte from the device. Returns: :obj:`True` if reading was successful, else :obj:`False`. """ try: self._bus.read_byte(self._device_address) return True except IOError: return False def _data_available(self) -> bool: """Returns :obj:`True` if data is available, :obj:`False` otherwise.""" # EOC signal from the I2C communication if self._dry_pin is None: return self._bus.read_i2c_block_data(self._device_address, Ads1115_pointer_config, 1)[0] & 0x80 # EOC signal from a GPIO elif self._backend == 'ft232h': return not bool(self._bus.get_gpio(self._dry_pin)) else: return not bool(GPIO.input(self._dry_pin))