Source code for crappy.inout.nau7802

# coding: utf-8

from time import time, sleep
from typing import Optional, List
import logging

from .meta_inout import InOut
from .._global import OptionalModule

  import smbus2
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  smbus2 = OptionalModule("smbus2")

  import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  GPIO = OptionalModule("RPi.GPIO")

# Register Map
NAU7802_Scale_Registers = {'PU_CTRL': 0x00,
                           'CTRL1': 0x01,
                           'CTRL2': 0x02,
                           'OCAL1_B2': 0x03,
                           'OCAL1_B1': 0x04,
                           'OCAL1_B0': 0x05,
                           'GCAL1_B3': 0x06,
                           'GCAL1_B2': 0x07,
                           'GCAL1_B1': 0x08,
                           'GCAL1_B0': 0x09,
                           'OCAL2_B2': 0x0A,
                           'OCAL2_B1': 0x0B,
                           'OCAL2_B0': 0x0C,
                           'GCAL2_B3': 0x0D,
                           'GCAL2_B2': 0x0E,
                           'GCAL2_B1': 0x0F,
                           'GCAL2_B0': 0x10,
                           'I2C_CONTROL': 0x11,
                           'ADCO_B2': 0x12,
                           'ADCO_B1': 0x13,
                           'ADCO_B0': 0x14,
                           'ADC': 0x15,
                           'OTP_B1': 0x16,
                           'OTP_B0': 0x17,
                           'PGA': 0x1B,
                           'PGA_PWR': 0x1C,
                           'DEVICE_REV': 0x1F}

# Bits within the PU_CTRL register
NAU7802_PU_CTRL_Bits = {'PU_CTRL_RR': 0,
                        'PU_CTRL_PUD': 1,
                        'PU_CTRL_PUA': 2,
                        'PU_CTRL_PUR': 3,
                        'PU_CTRL_CS': 4,
                        'PU_CTRL_CR': 5,
                        'PU_CTRL_OSCS': 6,
                        'PU_CTRL_AVDDS': 7}

# Bits within the CTRL2 register
NAU7802_CTRL2_Bits = {'CTRL2_CALMOD': 0,
                      'CTRL2_CALS': 2,
                      'CTRL2_CAL_ERROR': 3,
                      'CTRL2_CRS': 4,
                      'CTRL2_CHS': 7}

# Bits within the PGA PWR register
NAU7802_PGA_PWR_Bits = {'PGA_PWR_PGA_CURR': 0,
                        'PGA_PWR_ADC_CURR': 2,
                        'PGA_PWR_MSTR_BIAS_CURR': 4,
                        'PGA_PWR_PGA_CAP_EN': 7}

# Allowed Low drop out regulator voltages
NAU7802_LDO_Values = {2.4: 0b111,
                      2.7: 0b110,
                      3.0: 0b101,
                      3.3: 0b100,
                      3.6: 0b011,
                      3.9: 0b010,
                      4.2: 0b001,
                      4.5: 0b000}

# Allowed gains
NAU7802_Gain_Values = {1: 0b000,
                       2: 0b001,
                       4: 0b010,
                       8: 0b011,
                       16: 0b100,
                       32: 0b101,
                       64: 0b110,
                       128: 0b111}

# Allowed samples per second
NAU7802_SPS_Values = {10: 0b000,
                      20: 0b001,
                      40: 0b010,
                      80: 0b011,
                      320: 0b111}

# Calibration state
NAU7802_Cal_Status = {'CAL_SUCCESS': 0,
                      'CAL_IN_PROGRESS': 1,
                      'CAL_FAILURE': 2}

NAU7802_VREF = 3.3

[docs] class NAU7802(InOut): """This class can read values from a NAU7802 load cell conditioner. This load cell conditioner is a low-cost 24-bits, single-channel conditioner, that can read up to 320 samples per second. It communicates over the I2C protocol. The returned value of the InOut is in Volts by default, but can be converted to Newtons using the ``gain`` and ``offset`` arguments. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 renamed from *Nau7802* to *NAU7802* """
[docs] def __init__(self, i2c_port: int = 1, device_address: int = 0x2A, gain_hardware: int = 128, sample_rate: int = 80, int_pin: Optional[int] = None, gain: float = 1, offset: float = 0) -> None: """Checks the validity of the arguments. Args: i2c_port: The I2C port over which the NAU7802 should communicate. On most Raspberry Pi models the default I2C port is `1`. device_address: The I2C address of the NAU7802. It is impossible to change this address, so it is not possible to have several NAU7802 connected on the same I2C bus. gain_hardware: The gain to be used by the programmable gain amplifier. Setting a high gain allows reading small voltages with a better precision, but it might saturate the sensor for higher voltages. Available gains are: :: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 sample_rate: The sample rate for data conversion. The higher the rate, the greater the noise. Available sample rates are: :: 10, 20, 40, 80, 320 int_pin: Optionally, reads the end of conversion signal from the polarity of a GPIO rather than from an I2C register. Speeds up the reading and decreases the traffic on the bus, but requires one extra wire. Give the index of the GPIO in BCM convention, as an :obj:`int`. .. versionadded:: 1.5.8 gain: Allows to tune the output value according to the formula : :math:`output = gain * tension + offset`. offset: Allows to tune the output value according to the formula : :math:`output = gain * tension + offset`. .. versionremoved:: 2.0.0 *backend* and *ft232h_ser_num* arguments """ self._bus = None self._int_pin = None super().__init__() self._bus = smbus2.SMBus(i2c_port) self._device_address = device_address if gain_hardware not in NAU7802_Gain_Values: raise ValueError("gain_hardware should be in {}".format(list( NAU7802_Gain_Values.keys()))) else: self._gain_hardware = gain_hardware if sample_rate not in NAU7802_SPS_Values: raise ValueError("sample_rate should be in {}".format(list( NAU7802_SPS_Values.keys()))) else: self._sample_rate = sample_rate if int_pin is not None and not isinstance(int_pin, int): raise TypeError('int_pin should be an int !') self._int_pin = int_pin self._gain = gain self._offset = offset self._retries = 5
[docs] def open(self) -> None: """Initializes the I2C communication and the device.""" if not self._is_connected(): raise IOError("The NAU7802 is not connected") self.log(logging.INFO, "Setting up the NAU7802") # Resetting the device self._set_bit(NAU7802_PU_CTRL_Bits['PU_CTRL_RR'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['PU_CTRL'], 1) sleep(0.001) self._set_bit(NAU7802_PU_CTRL_Bits['PU_CTRL_RR'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['PU_CTRL'], 0) # Powering up the device - takes approx 200µs self._set_bit(NAU7802_PU_CTRL_Bits['PU_CTRL_PUD'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['PU_CTRL'], 1) self._set_bit(NAU7802_PU_CTRL_Bits['PU_CTRL_PUA'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['PU_CTRL'], 1) t0 = time() while not self._get_bit(NAU7802_PU_CTRL_Bits['PU_CTRL_PUR'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['PU_CTRL']): if time() - t0 > 0.1: raise TimeoutError("Waited too long for the device to power up !") # Setting the Low Drop Out voltage to 3.3V and setting the gain value = NAU7802_Gain_Values[self._gain_hardware] self._bus.write_byte_data(self._device_address, NAU7802_Scale_Registers['CTRL1'], value) self._set_bit(NAU7802_PU_CTRL_Bits['PU_CTRL_AVDDS'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['PU_CTRL'], 1) # Setting the sample rate self._bus.write_byte_data(self._device_address, NAU7802_Scale_Registers['CTRL2'], NAU7802_SPS_Values[self._sample_rate] << 4) # Turning off CLK_CHP self._bus.write_byte_data(self._device_address, NAU7802_Scale_Registers['ADC'], 0x30) # Enabling 330pF decoupling cap on channel 2 self._set_bit(NAU7802_PGA_PWR_Bits['PGA_PWR_PGA_CAP_EN'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['PGA_PWR'], 1) # Re-calibrating the analog front-end self._set_bit(NAU7802_CTRL2_Bits['CTRL2_CALS'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['CTRL2'], 1) t0 = time() while self._cal_afe_status() != NAU7802_Cal_Status['CAL_SUCCESS']: if time() - t0 > 1: raise TimeoutError("Waited too long for the calibration to occur !") if self._cal_afe_status() == NAU7802_Cal_Status['CAL_FAILURE']: raise IOError("Calibration failed !") if self._int_pin is not None: self.log(logging.INFO, "Setting up the GPIOs") GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(self._int_pin, GPIO.IN)
[docs] def get_data(self) -> List[float]: """Reads the registers containing the conversion result. The output is in Volts by default, and can be converted to Newtons using gain and offset. Returns: A :obj:`list` containing the timeframe and the output value. """ # Waiting for data to be ready t0 = time() while not self._data_available(): if time() - t0 > 0.5: raise TimeoutError('Waited too long for data to be ready !') out = [time()] # Reading the output data, and handling I2C errors i = 0 block = None while i < self._retries: try: block = self._bus.read_i2c_block_data( self._device_address, NAU7802_Scale_Registers['ADCO_B2'], 3) break # If an I2C error is caught, retrying to get the value or raising except OSError: if i == self._retries: self.log(logging.ERROR, "Retries count exhausted !") raise i += 1 continue self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Read {block} from register {NAU7802_Scale_Registers['ADCO_B2']}" f" at address {self._device_address}") value_raw = (block[0] << 16) | (block[1] << 8) | block[2] # Converting raw data into Volts or Newtons if block[0] >> 7: value_raw -= 2 ** 24 value = value_raw / 2 ** 23 * 0.5 * NAU7802_VREF / self._gain_hardware out.append(self._offset + self._gain * value) return out
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Powers down the device.""" if self._bus is not None: # Powering down the device self.log(logging.INFO, "Powering down the NAU7802") self._set_bit(NAU7802_PU_CTRL_Bits['PU_CTRL_PUD'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['PU_CTRL'], 0) sleep(0.001) self._set_bit(NAU7802_PU_CTRL_Bits['PU_CTRL_PUA'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['PU_CTRL'], 0) self.log(logging.INFO, "Closing the I2C connection to the NAU7802") self._bus.close() if self._int_pin is not None: self.log(logging.INFO, "Cleaning up the GPIOs") GPIO.cleanup()
def _is_connected(self) -> bool: """Tries reading a byte from the device. Returns: :obj:`True` if reading was successful, else :obj:`False` """ try: self._bus.read_byte(self._device_address) return True except IOError: return False def _data_available(self) -> bool: """Returns :obj:`True` if data is available, :obj:`False` otherwise.""" # EOC signal from the I2C communication if self._int_pin is None: return self._get_bit(NAU7802_PU_CTRL_Bits['PU_CTRL_CR'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['PU_CTRL']) else: return bool(GPIO.input(self._int_pin)) def _set_bit(self, bit_number: int, register_address: int, bit: int) -> None: """Sets a given bit in the specified register. Args: bit_number: Position of the bit in the register, as an :obj:`int`. register_address: Index of the register, as an :obj:`int`. bit: Value of the bit, as an :obj:`int`. """ value = self._bus.read_i2c_block_data(self._device_address, register_address, 1)[0] self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Read {value} from register {register_address}" f" at address {self._device_address}") if bit: value |= (1 << bit_number) else: value &= ~(1 << bit_number) self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Writing {value} to register {register_address}" f" at address {self._device_address}") self._bus.write_byte_data(self._device_address, register_address, value) def _get_bit(self, bit_number: int, register_address: int) -> bool: """Reads a given bit in the specified register. Args: bit_number: Position of the bit in the register, as an :obj:`int`. register_address: Index of the register, as an :obj:`int`. Returns: :obj:`True` if the bit value is 1, else :obj:`False`. """ value = self._bus.read_i2c_block_data(self._device_address, register_address, 1)[0] self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Read {value} from register {register_address}" f" at address {self._device_address}") value = value >> bit_number & 1 return bool(value) def _cal_afe_status(self) -> int: """Reads the calibration status bits. Returns: The :obj:`int` value corresponding to the current calibration status. """ if self._get_bit(NAU7802_CTRL2_Bits['CTRL2_CAL_ERROR'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['CTRL2']): return NAU7802_Cal_Status['CAL_FAILURE'] elif self._get_bit(NAU7802_CTRL2_Bits['CTRL2_CALS'], NAU7802_Scale_Registers['CTRL2']): return NAU7802_Cal_Status['CAL_IN_PROGRESS'] else: return NAU7802_Cal_Status['CAL_SUCCESS']