Source code for crappy.inout.pijuice_hat

# coding: utf-8

from typing import Dict, Any, List
from time import time
import logging
from  warnings import warn

from .meta_inout import InOut
from .._global import OptionalModule

  from pijuice import PiJuice as PiJuiceModule
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  PiJuiceModule = OptionalModule("pijuice")

  from smbus2 import SMBus
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
  SMBus = OptionalModule('smbus2')

pijuice_commands = {'status': 0x40,
                    'fault_event': 0x44,
                    'charge_level': 0x41,
                    'button_event': 0x45,
                    'battery_temperature': 0x47,
                    'battery_voltage': 0x49,
                    'battery_current': 0x4B,
                    'io_voltage': 0x4D,
                    'io_current': 0x4F,
                    'led_state': 0x66,
                    'led_blink': 0x68,
                    'io_pin_access': 0x75}

pijuice_battery_status = {0x00: 'Normal',
                          0x04: 'Charging_from_usb',
                          0x08: 'Charging_from_gpio',
                          0x0C: 'Absent'}

pijuice_power_status = {0x00: 'Not_present',
                        0x10: 'Bad',
                        0x20: 'Weak',
                        0x30: 'Present'}

pijuice_backends = ['Pi4', 'pijuice']

[docs] class PiJuice(InOut): """This class can read various information about a piJuice power platform, including the charge level and the power supply status. Warning: Only available on Raspberry Pi ! .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 renamed from *Pijuice* to *PiJuice* """
[docs] def __init__(self, i2c_port: int = 1, address: int = 0x14, backend: str = 'Pi4') -> None: """Checks the validity of the arguments. Args: backend: Should be one of : :: 'Pi4', 'pijuice' The `'Pi4'` backend is based on the :mod:`smbus2` module, while the `'pijuice'` backend is based on the :mod:`pijuice` module. .. versionadded:: 1.5.10 i2c_port: The I2C port over which the PiJuice should communicate. address: The I2C address of the piJuice. The default address is `0x14`. """ warn(f"Starting from version 2.1.0, {type(self).__name__} will be moved " f"to crappy.collection. Your code that uses it will still work as " f"is, except you will now need to import crappy.collection at the " f"top of your script.", FutureWarning) self._bus = None self._pijuice = None super().__init__() if not isinstance(i2c_port, int): raise TypeError("i2c_port should be an int") self._i2c_port = i2c_port if not isinstance(address, int): raise TypeError("address should be an int") else: self._address = address if not isinstance(backend, str) or backend not in pijuice_backends: raise ValueError("backend should be in {}".format(pijuice_backends)) self._backend = backend
[docs] def open(self) -> None: """Opens the I2C port.""" if self._backend == 'Pi4': self.log(logging.INFO, f"Opening the I2C connection to the PiJuice on " f"port {self._i2c_port}") self._bus = SMBus(self._i2c_port) elif self._backend == 'pijuice': self.log(logging.INFO, f"Opening the I2C connection to the PiJuice on " f"port {self._i2c_port} with backend pijuice") self._pijuice = PiJuiceModule(self._i2c_port, self._address)
[docs] def get_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Reads all the available information on the battery status. Returns: Returns a :obj:`dict` containing * the timestamp in seconds as a :obj:`float` in label ``t(s)`` * the battery status as a :obj:`str` in label ``battery_status`` * the USB status as a :obj:`str` in label ``USB_status`` * the GPIO status as a :obj:`str` in label ``GPIO_status`` * the charge level as an :obj:`int` in label ``charge_level`` * the battery temperature in °C as an :obj:`int` in label ``battery_temperature`` * the battery voltage in mV as an :obj:`int` in label ``battery_voltage`` * the battery current in mA as an :obj:`int` in label ``battery_current`` * the GPIO voltage in mV as an :obj:`int` in label ``GPIO_voltage`` * the GPIO current in mA as an :obj:`int` in label ``GPIO_current`` """ # Gets the battery status status = dict() if self._backend == 'Pi4': data = self._read_i2c(pijuice_commands['status'], 2) status['battery'] = pijuice_battery_status[data[0] & 0x0C] status['USB'] = pijuice_power_status[data[0] & 0x30] status['GPIO'] = pijuice_power_status[data[0] & 0xC0] elif self._backend == 'pijuice': stat = self._pijuice.status.GetStatus() status['battery'] = stat['data']['battery'] status['USB'] = stat['data']['powerInput'] status['GPIO'] = stat['data']['powerInput5vIo'] # Gets the battery charge level if self._backend == 'Pi4': data = self._read_i2c(pijuice_commands['charge_level'], 2) charge_level = data[0] else: data = self._pijuice.status.GetChargeLevel() charge_level = data['data'] # Gets the battery temperature if self._backend == 'Pi4': data = self._read_i2c(pijuice_commands['battery_temperature'], 3) temp = data[0] if temp & 0x80: temp -= 0X100 else: data = self._pijuice.status.GetBatteryTemperature() temp = data['data'] # Gets the battery voltage (mV) if self._backend == 'Pi4': data = self._read_i2c(pijuice_commands['battery_voltage'], 3) voltage = (data[1] << 8) | data[0] else: data = self._pijuice.status.GetBatteryVoltage() voltage = data['data'] # Gets the battery current (mA) if self._backend == 'Pi4': data = self._read_i2c(pijuice_commands['battery_current'], 3) current = (data[1] << 8) | data[0] if current & 0x8000: current -= 0x10000 else: data = self._pijuice.status.GetBatteryCurrent() current = data['data'] # Gets the GPIO voltage (mV) if self._backend == 'Pi4': data = self._read_i2c(pijuice_commands['io_voltage'], 3) io_voltage = (data[1] << 8) | data[0] else: data = self._pijuice.status.GetIoVoltage() io_voltage = data['data'] # Gets the GPIO current (mA) if self._backend == 'Pi4': data = self._read_i2c(pijuice_commands['io_current'], 3) io_current = (data[1] << 8) | data[0] if io_current & 0x8000: io_current -= 0x10000 else: data = self._pijuice.status.GetIoCurrent() io_current = data['data'] return {'t(s)': time(), 'battery_status': status['battery'], 'USB_status': status['USB'], 'GPIO_status': status['GPIO'], 'charge_level': charge_level, 'battery_temperature': temp, 'battery_voltage': voltage, 'battery_current': current, 'GPIO_voltage': io_voltage, 'GPIO_current': io_current}
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Closes the I2C bus.""" if self._backend == 'Pi4' and self._bus is not None: self.log(logging.INFO, "closing the I2C connection to the PiJuice") self._bus.close()
@staticmethod def _checksum(data: List[int]) -> List[int]: """Compares the received checksum (last byte) to the one calculated over the other bytes. Also tries with the MSB of the first byte set to 1, as it is apparently sometimes 0 when it should be 1. Returns: The list of data bytes, with the MSB of the first byte corrected if needed. Raises: Raises an :exc:`IOError` if the checksums don't match. """ # First checking on the raw data check = 0xFF for x in data[:-1]: check ^= x # If needed, modify the MSB of the first byte and retry if check != data[-1]: data[0] |= 0x80 check = 0xFF for x in data[:-1]: check ^= x # If still not successful, raise error if check != data[-1]: raise IOError("An error occurred, the checksums don't match !") return data[:-1] def _read_i2c(self, command: int, length: int) -> list: """Thin wrapper to reduce verbosity.""" ret = self._bus.read_i2c_block_data(i2c_addr=self._address, register=command, length=length) self.log(logging.DEBUG, f"Read {ret} from register {command} at address " f"{self._address}") return self._checksum(ret)