Source code for crappy.tool.camera_config.dic_ve_config

# coding: utf-8

from typing import Optional
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror
import tkinter as tk
import numpy as np
from io import BytesIO
from pkg_resources import resource_string
from time import sleep
import logging
from multiprocessing.queues import Queue

from .camera_config_boxes import CameraConfigBoxes
from .config_tools import Box, SpotsBoxes
from import Camera
from import CameraScaleSetting
from ..._global import OptionalModule

  from PIL import Image
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  Image = OptionalModule("pillow")

[docs] class DICVEConfig(CameraConfigBoxes): """Class similar to :class:`~crappy.tool.camera_config.CameraConfig` but also displaying the bounding boxes of the regions defined as patches. It relies on the :class:`~crappy.tool.camera_config.config_tools.Box` and :class:`~crappy.tool.camera_config.config_tools.SpotsBoxes` tools. It is meant to be used for configuring the :class:`~crappy.blocks.DICVE` Block. .. versionadded:: 1.5.10 .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 renamed from *DISVE_config* to *DICVEConfig* """
[docs] def __init__(self, camera: Camera, log_queue: Queue, log_level: Optional[int], max_freq: Optional[float], patches: SpotsBoxes) -> None: """Sets the patches and initializes the parent class. Args: camera: The :class:`` object in charge of acquiring the images. log_queue: A :obj:`multiprocessing.Queue` for sending the log messages to the main :obj:`~logging.Logger`, only used in Windows. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 log_level: The minimum logging level of the entire Crappy script, as an :obj:`int`. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 max_freq: The maximum frequency this window is allowed to loop at. It is simply the ``freq`` attribute of the :class:`~crappy.blocks.Camera` Block. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 patches: An instance of :class:`~crappy.tool.camera_config.config_tools.SpotsBoxes` containing the patches to follow for image correlation. """ self._patch_size: Optional[CameraScaleSetting] = None super().__init__(camera, log_queue, log_level, max_freq) # Setting the patches self._spots = patches
def finish(self) -> None: """Method called when the user tries to close the configuration window. Check that patches were selected on the image. If not, warns the user and prevents him from exiting except with CTRL+C. If not already done by the user, also saves the initial length between the patches. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ if self._spots.empty(): self.log(logging.WARNING, "No patches selected ! Not exiting the " "configuration window") showerror('Error !', message="Please select patches before exiting the config " "window !\nOr hit CTRL+C to exit Crappy") return self._spots.save_length() self.log(logging.INFO, f"Successfully saved L0 ! L0 x : {self._spots.x_l0}, " f"L0 y : {self._spots.y_l0}") super().stop() def _add_settings(self) -> None: """Same as in the parent class except it also adds a Path size setting to the list of possible settings.""" self._patch_size = CameraScaleSetting("Patch size (px)", 2, 1024, default=128) self._add_slider_setting(self._patch_size) super()._add_settings() def _update_settings(self) -> None: """Same as in the parent class except it also updates the Path size setting in addition to all the other settings.""" if self._patch_size.value != self._patch_size.tk_var.get(): self._patch_size.value = self._patch_size.tk_var.get() self._patch_size.tk_var.set(self._patch_size.value) super()._update_settings() def _set_bindings(self) -> None: """Binds the left mouse button click to drawing the patches on which to perform the image correlation.""" super()._set_bindings() self._img_canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self._start_box) self._img_canvas.bind('<B1-Motion>', self._extend_box) self._img_canvas.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self._stop_box) def _extend_box(self, event: tk.Event) -> None: """When the user drags the selection box, updating the four patches being drawn.""" super()._extend_box(event) if not self._select_box.no_points() and self._patch_size is not None: min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = self._select_box.sorted() size = self._patch_size.value if max_x - min_x >= 3 * size and max_y - min_y >= 3 * size: self._spots.spot_1 = Box(min_x, min_x + size, (min_y + max_y - size) // 2, (min_y + max_y + size) // 2) self._spots.spot_2 = Box(max_x - size, max_x, (min_y + max_y - size) // 2, (min_y + max_y + size) // 2) self._spots.spot_3 = Box((min_x + max_x - size) // 2, (min_x + max_x + size) // 2, min_y, min_y + size) self._spots.spot_4 = Box((min_x + max_x - size) // 2, (min_x + max_x + size) // 2, max_y - size, max_y) def _stop_box(self, _: tk.Event) -> None: """Simply resets the selection box.""" # This box is not needed anymore self._select_box.reset() def _on_img_resize(self, _: Optional[tk.Event] = None) -> None: """Same as in the parent class except it also draws the patches on top of the displayed image.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "The image canvas was resized") self._draw_spots() self._resize_img() self._display_img() self.update() def _update_img(self) -> None: """Same as in the parent class except it also draws the patches on top of the displayed image.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Updating the image") ret = self._camera.get_image() # If no frame could be grabbed from the camera if ret is None: # If it's the first call, generate error image to initialize the window if not self._n_loops: self.log(logging.WARNING, "Could not get an image from the camera, " "displaying an error image instead") ret = None, np.array( 'crappy', 'tool/data/no_image.png')))) # Otherwise, just pass else: self.log(logging.DEBUG, "No image returned by the camera") self.update() sleep(0.001) return self._n_loops += 1 _, img = ret if img.dtype != self.dtype: self.dtype = img.dtype if self.shape != img.shape: self.shape = img.shape self._cast_img(img) self._draw_spots() self._resize_img() self._calc_hist() self._resize_hist() self._display_img() self._display_hist() self._update_pixel_value() self.update() def _handle_box_outside_img(self, box: Box) -> None: """If a patch is outside the image, warning the user and resetting the patches.""" self.log(logging.WARNING, f"The patch {box} is outside the image, " f"resetting the patches") self._spots.reset()