Source code for crappy.tool.camera_config.dis_correl_config

# coding: utf-8

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from io import BytesIO
from pkg_resources import resource_string
from time import sleep
import logging
from multiprocessing.queues import Queue

from .camera_config_boxes import CameraConfigBoxes
from .config_tools import Box
from import Camera
from ..._global import OptionalModule

  from PIL import Image
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  Image = OptionalModule("pillow")

[docs] class DISCorrelConfig(CameraConfigBoxes): """Class similar to :class:`~crappy.tool.camera_config.CameraConfig` but also allowing to select the area on which the correlation will be performed. It relies on the :class:`~crappy.tool.camera_config.config_tools.Box` tool. It is meant to be used for configuring the :class:`~crappy.blocks.DISCorrel` Block. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 renamed from *DISConfig* to *DISCorrelConfig* """
[docs] def __init__(self, camera: Camera, log_queue: Queue, log_level: Optional[int], max_freq: Optional[float], patch: Box) -> None: """Initializes the parent class and sets the correlation Box. Args: camera: The :class:`` object in charge of acquiring the images. log_queue: A :obj:`multiprocessing.Queue` for sending the log messages to the main :obj:`~logging.Logger`, only used in Windows. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 log_level: The minimum logging level of the entire Crappy script, as an :obj:`int`. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 max_freq: The maximum frequency this window is allowed to loop at. It is simply the ``freq`` attribute of the :class:`~crappy.blocks.Camera` Block. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 patch: The :class:`~crappy.tool.camera_config.config_tools.Box` container that will save the information on the patch where to perform image correlation. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ self._correl_box = patch self._draw_correl_box = True super().__init__(camera, log_queue, log_level, max_freq)
@property def box(self) -> Box: """Returns the :class:`~crappy.tool.camera_config.config_tools.Box` object containing the region of interest. .. versionadded:: 1.5.10 """ return self._correl_box def finish(self) -> None: """Method called when the user tries to close the configuration window. Checks that a patch was selected on the image. If not, warns the user and prevents him from exiting except with CTRL+C. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ if self.log(logging.WARNING, "No ROI selected ! Not exiting the " "configuration window") showerror('Error !', message="Please select a ROI before exiting the config " "window !\nOr hit CTRL+C to exit Crappy") return super().stop() def _set_bindings(self) -> None: """Binds the left mouse button click for drawing the box on which the correlation will be performed.""" super()._set_bindings() self._img_canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self._start_box) self._img_canvas.bind('<B1-Motion>', self._extend_box) self._img_canvas.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self._stop_box) def _start_box(self, event: tk.Event) -> None: """Simply saves the position of the user click, and disables the display of the current correl box.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Starting the selection box") # If the mouse is on the canvas but not on the image, do nothing if not self._check_event_pos(event): return self._select_box.x_start, \ self._select_box.y_start = self._coord_to_pix(event.x, event.y) self._draw_correl_box = False def _stop_box(self, _: tk.Event) -> None: """Makes sure that the selected region is valid, sets it as the new correl box, and enables the display of the correl box.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Ending the selection box") # If it's just a regular click with no dragging, do nothing if self._img is None or self._select_box.no_points(): self._select_box.reset() self._draw_correl_box = True return # The sides need to be sorted before slicing numpy array y_left, y_right, x_top, x_bottom = self._select_box.sorted() # If the box is flat, resetting it if y_left == y_right or x_top == x_bottom: self._select_box.reset() self._draw_correl_box = True return # The new correl box is just the copy of the select box self._correl_box.update(self._select_box) self._select_box.reset() self._draw_correl_box = True def _on_img_resize(self, _: Optional[tk.Event] = None) -> None: """Same as in the parent class except it also draws the select box on top of the displayed image.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "The image canvas was resized") # Do not draw the correl box if the user is creating the select box if self._draw_correl_box: self._draw_box(self._correl_box) self._draw_box(self._select_box) self._resize_img() self._display_img() self.update() def _update_img(self) -> None: """Same as in the parent class except it also draws the select box on top of the displayed image.""" self.log(logging.DEBUG, "Updating the image") ret = self._camera.get_image() # If no frame could be grabbed from the camera if ret is None: # If it's the first call, generate error image to initialize the window if not self._n_loops: self.log(logging.WARNING, "Could not get an image from the camera, " "displaying an error image instead") ret = None, np.array( 'crappy', 'tool/data/no_image.png')))) # Otherwise, just pass else: self.log(logging.DEBUG, "No image returned by the camera") self.update() sleep(0.001) return self._n_loops += 1 _, img = ret if img.dtype != self.dtype: self.dtype = img.dtype if self.shape != img.shape: self.shape = img.shape self._cast_img(img) # Do not draw the correl box if the user is creating the select box if self._draw_correl_box: self._draw_box(self._correl_box) self._draw_box(self._select_box) self._resize_img() self._calc_hist() self._resize_hist() self._display_img() self._display_hist() self._update_pixel_value() self.update() def _handle_box_outside_img(self, _: Box) -> None: """If the correl box is outside the image, it means that the image size has been modified. Simply resetting the correl box then.""" self._correl_box.reset()