Source code for crappy.tool.image_processing.dic_ve

# coding: utf-8

import numpy as np
from typing import List, Tuple
from ..._global import OptionalModule
from ..camera_config import SpotsBoxes, Box

  import cv2
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
  cv2 = OptionalModule("opencv-python")

[docs] class DICVETool: """This class is the core of the :class:`~crappy.blocks.DICVE` Block. It tracks patches on images received from a :class:`` object, and computes a strain value at each new image. It relies on cross-correlation algorithms to calculate the displacement. Different algorithms are available depending on the needs. This tool is mainly used to perform video-extensometry on speckled surfaces, although it could as well be of use for other applications. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 renamed from *DISVE* to *DICVETool* """
[docs] def __init__(self, patches: SpotsBoxes, method: str = 'Disflow', alpha: float = 3, delta: float = 1, gamma: float = 0, finest_scale: int = 1, iterations: int = 1, gradient_iterations: int = 10, patch_size: int = 8, patch_stride: int = 3, border: float = 0.2, safe: bool = True, follow: bool = True) -> None: """Sets a few attributes and initializes DISFlow if this method was selected. Args: patches: An instance of the :class:`~crappy.tool.camera_config.config_tools.SpotsBoxes` class, containing the coordinates of the patches to track. method: The method to use to calculate the displacement. `Disflow` uses opencv's DISOpticalFlow and `Lucas Kanade` uses opencv's calcOpticalFlowPyrLK, while all other methods are based on a basic cross-correlation in the Fourier domain. `Pixel precision` calculates the displacement by getting the position of the maximum of the cross-correlation, and has thus a 1-pixel resolution. It is mainly meant for debugging. `Parabola` refines the result of `Pixel precision` by interpolating the neighborhood of the maximum, and has thus a sub-pixel resolution. .. versionadded:: 1.5.9 alpha: Weight of the smoothness term in DISFlow, as a :obj:`float`. delta: Weight of the color constancy term in DISFlow, as a :obj:`float`. gamma: Weight of the gradient constancy term in DISFlow , as a :obj:`float`. finest_scale: Finest level of the Gaussian pyramid on which the flow is computed in DISFlow (`0` means full scale), as an :obj:`int`. iterations: Maximum number of gradient descent iterations in the patch inverse search stage in DISFlow, as an :obj:`int`. gradient_iterations: Maximum number of gradient descent iterations in the patch inverse search stage in DISFlow, as an :obj:`int`. .. versionchanged:: 1.5.9 renamed from *gditerations* to *gradient_iterations* patch_size: Size of an image patch for matching in DISFlow (in pixels). patch_stride: Stride between neighbor patches in DISFlow. Must be less than patch size. border: Crop the patch on each side according to this value before calculating the displacements. 0 means no cropping, 1 means the entire patch is cropped. safe: If :obj:`True`, checks whether the patches aren't exiting the image, and raises an error if that's the case. follow: It :obj:`True`, the patches will move to follow the displacement of the image. .. versionremoved:: 1.5.10 *img0* and *show_image* arguments """ # These attributes are accessed by the parent class self.patches = patches self._offsets = [(0, 0) for _ in patches] # Other attributes to set self._method = method self._border = border self._safe = safe self._follow = follow # These attributes will be set later self._img0 = None self._height, self._width = None, None # Initialize DISFlow if it is the selected method if self._method == 'Disflow': self._dis = cv2.DISOpticalFlow_create(cv2.DISOPTICAL_FLOW_PRESET_FAST) self._dis.setVariationalRefinementIterations(iterations) self._dis.setVariationalRefinementAlpha(alpha) self._dis.setVariationalRefinementDelta(delta) self._dis.setVariationalRefinementGamma(gamma) self._dis.setFinestScale(finest_scale) self._dis.setGradientDescentIterations(gradient_iterations) self._dis.setPatchSize(patch_size) self._dis.setPatchStride(patch_stride) else: self._dis = None
[docs] def set_img0(self, img0: np.ndarray) -> None: """Sets the reference image for the cross-correlation. .. versionadded:: 1.5.10 """ self._img0 = img0 self._height, self._width, *_ = img0.shape # Now that there's an initial image, checking that the patches are valid if self._safe: self._check_offsets()
[docs] def calculate_displacement( self, img: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[float, float]], float, float, List[Tuple[float, float]]]: """Returns the displacement of every patch, calculated according to the chosen method. Also updates the patch offsets if required, and updates the window for following the patches if any. .. versionadded:: 1.5.9 """ # Making sure the reference image exists if self._img0 is None: raise ValueError("The method set_img0 must be called first for setting " "the reference image !") # Compute the displacement for each patch displacements = [] for patch, offset in zip(self.patches, self._offsets): if patch is None: continue if self._method == 'Disflow': displacements.append(self._calc_disflow(patch, img, offset)) elif self._method == 'Pixel precision': displacements.append(self._calc_pixel_precision(patch, img, offset)) elif self._method == 'Parabola': displacements.append(self._calc_parabola(patch, img, offset)) elif self._method == 'Lucas Kanade': displacements.append(self._calc_lucas_kanade(patch, img, offset)) else: raise ValueError("Wrong method specified !") # If required, updates the patch offsets if self._follow: for disp, (y_offset, x_offset), patch in zip(displacements, self._offsets, self.patches): patch.x_start = round(patch.x_start + disp[0]) patch.x_end = round(patch.x_end + disp[0]) patch.y_start = round(patch.y_start + disp[1]) patch.y_end = round(patch.y_end + disp[1]) patch.x_centroid = (patch.x_end + patch.x_start) / 2 patch.y_centroid = (patch.y_end + patch.y_start) / 2 disp[0] += x_offset disp[1] += y_offset patch.x_disp = disp[0] patch.y_disp = disp[1] self._offsets = [(round(y_disp), round(x_disp)) for x_disp, y_disp in displacements] # Check that the patches are not exiting the image if self._safe: self._check_offsets() else: for (x_disp, y_disp), patch in zip(displacements, self.patches): patch.x_disp = x_disp patch.y_disp = y_disp max_x = max(self.patches, key=lambda patch_: patch_.x_centroid if patch_ is not None else -float('inf')) min_x = min(self.patches, key=lambda patch_: patch_.x_centroid if patch_ is not None else float('inf')) max_y = max(self.patches, key=lambda patch_: patch_.y_centroid if patch_ is not None else -float('inf')) min_y = min(self.patches, key=lambda patch_: patch_.y_centroid if patch_ is not None else float('inf')) # If there are multiple spots, the x and y strains can be computed if len(self.patches) > 1: try: exx = ((max_x.x_disp - min_x.x_disp) / self.patches.x_l0) * 100 except ZeroDivisionError: exx = 0 try: eyy = ((max_y.y_disp - min_y.y_disp) / self.patches.y_l0) * 100 except ZeroDivisionError: eyy = 0 centers = [(patch.y_centroid, patch.x_centroid) for patch in self.patches if patch is not None] disps = [(patch.y_disp, patch.x_disp) for patch in self.patches if patch is not None] return centers, eyy, exx, disps # If only one spot was detected, the strain isn't computed else: x = self.patches[0].x_centroid y = self.patches[0].y_centroid x_disp = self.patches[0].x_disp y_disp = self.patches[0].y_disp return [(y, x)], 0, 0, [(y_disp, x_disp)]
def _calc_disflow(self, patch: Box, img: np.ndarray, offset: Tuple[int, int]) -> List[float]: """Returns the displacement between the original and the current image with a sub-pixel precision, using DISFlow.""" disp_img = self._dis.calc(self._get_patch(self._img0, patch, offset), self._get_patch(img, patch), None) return np.average(self._trim_patch(disp_img), axis=(0, 1)).tolist() def _calc_pixel_precision(self, patch: Box, img: np.ndarray, offset: Tuple[int, int]) -> List[float]: """Returns the displacement between the original and the current image with a precision limited to 1 pixel.""" cross_correl, max_width, max_height = self._cross_correlation( self._get_patch(self._img0, patch, offset), self._get_patch(img, patch)) height, width = cross_correl.shape[0], cross_correl.shape[1] return [-(max_width - width / 2), -(max_height - height / 2)] def _calc_parabola(self, patch: Box, img: np.ndarray, offset: Tuple[int, int]) -> List[float]: """Returns the displacement between the original and the current image with a sub-pixel precision, using two parabola fits (one in x and one in y).""" cross_correl, max_width, max_height = self._cross_correlation( self._get_patch(self._img0, patch, offset), self._get_patch(img, patch)) height, width = cross_correl.shape[0], cross_correl.shape[1] y_disp = -(max_height - height / 2) x_disp = -(max_width - width / 2) x_disp -= self._parabola_fit(cross_correl[max_height, max_width - 1: max_width + 2]) y_disp -= self._parabola_fit(cross_correl[max_height - 1: max_height + 2, max_width]) return [x_disp, y_disp] def _calc_lucas_kanade(self, patch: Box, img: np.ndarray, offset: Tuple[int, int]) -> List[float]: """Returns the displacement between the original and the current image with a sub-pixel precision, using the Lucas Kanade algorithm.""" # Getting the center of the patch x_top, x_bottom, y_left, y_right = patch.sorted() center_y, center_x = (y_right - y_left) // 2, (x_bottom - x_top) // 2 next_, _, _ = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK( self._get_patch(self._img0, patch, offset), self._get_patch(img, patch), np.array([[center_x, center_y]]).astype('float32'), None) new_x, new_y = np.squeeze(next_) return [new_x - center_x, new_y - center_y] @staticmethod def _parabola_fit(arr: np.ndarray) -> float: """Returns the abscissa of the maximum of a parabola defined by 3 points in positions x=-1, x=0 and x=1. Args: arr: This array contains the y values for the 3 points. """ return (arr[0] - arr[2]) / (2 * (arr[0] - 2 * arr[1] + arr[2])) @staticmethod def _cross_correlation(img0: np.ndarray, img1: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int, int]: """Performs a cross-correlation operation on two patches in the Fourier domain. Returns: The result of the correlation in the real domain as an image, as well as the position of the maximum of this image. """ # Getting the size of the image height, width = img0.shape[0], img0.shape[1] # Find the closest power of 2 length from the image height_log2 = 2 ** int(np.log2(height + 0.5)) width_log2 = 2 ** int(np.log2(width + 0.5)) # Cropping the image to a power of 2 img0 = img0[(height - height_log2) // 2: (height + height_log2) // 2, (width - width_log2) // 2: (width + width_log2) // 2] img1 = img1[(height - height_log2) // 2: (height + height_log2) // 2, (width - width_log2) // 2: (width + width_log2) // 2] # Convert to Fourier for fast cross-correlation img0_fourier = cv2.dft(img0.astype(np.float32), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) img1_fourier = cv2.dft(img1.astype(np.float32), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) # Compute cross-correlation by convolution cross_fourier = cv2.mulSpectrums(img0_fourier, img1_fourier, flags=0, conjB=True) # Convert back to physical space cross_shifted = cv2.idft(cross_fourier) # Un-shift after FFT cross_correl = np.fft.ifftshift(cross_shifted[:, :, 0]) # Find the maximum of the cross-correlation max_width, max_height = cv2.minMaxLoc(cross_correl)[-1] # Keep the average in case several maxima found max_width, max_height = int(np.mean(max_width)), int(np.mean(max_height)) return cross_correl, max_width, max_height @staticmethod def _get_patch(img: np.ndarray, patch: Box, offset: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the part of the image corresponding to the given patch at the given offset.""" y_off, x_off = offset x_top, x_bottom, y_left, y_right = patch.sorted() return np.array(img[y_left - y_off: y_right - y_off, x_top - x_off: x_bottom - x_off]) def _trim_patch(self, patch: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Trims the border of a patch according to the value set by the user, and returns the sub image corresponding to the trimmed patch.""" height, width, *_ = patch.shape return patch[int(height * self._border / 2): int(height * (1 - self._border / 2)), int(width * self._border / 2): int(width * (1 - self._border / 2))] def _check_offsets(self) -> None: """Check if the patches are still within the image, and raises an error if one of them is out.""" for patch in self.patches: if patch is None: continue x_top, x_bottom, y_left, y_right = patch.sorted() # Checking the left border if x_top < 0: raise RuntimeError("Region exiting the ROI (left)") # Checking the right border elif x_bottom > self._width: raise RuntimeError("Region exiting the ROI (right)") # Checking the top border if y_left < 0: raise RuntimeError("Region exiting the ROI (top)") # Checking the bottom border elif y_right > self._height: raise RuntimeError("Region exiting the ROI (bottom)")