Citing Crappy

If Crappy has been of help in your research, please reference it in your academic publications by citing the following article :

  • Couty V., Witz J-F., Martel C. et al., Command and Real-Time Acquisition in Parallelized Python, a Python module for experimental setups, SoftwareX 16, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2021.100848. (publisher link)

Here is the BibTex code for citing the article :

         title = {CRAPPY: Command and Real-Time Acquisition in Parallelized Python, a Python module for experimental setups},
         journal = {SoftwareX},
         volume = {16},
         pages = {100848},
         year = {2021},
         issn = {2352-7110},
         doi = {},
         url = {},
         author = {Victor Couty and Jean-François Witz and Corentin Martel and François Bari and Antoine Weisrock},
         keywords = {Control-command, Acquisition, Python, Experimental setup},