Crappy for embedded hardware

Concept and goals

Accessibility to embedded devices

Over the last decades, huge progress has been made in the accessibility of the general public to embedded electronic devices, pushed by companies like Adafruit or SparkFun. Anyone can now easily find and order sensors and actuators online, often for a few dozen euros or even less. Additionally, many suppliers also provide extensive tutorials, wiring charts, or even readily-usable Python modules, usually for free !

These suppliers propose hardware that can be of interest for experimental setups, like Digital to Analog Converters (DAC), Analog to Digital Converters (ADC), thermocouple and load cell conditioners, DC and stepper motor drivers, etc. Most often, they come integrated on Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and interface over I2C or SPI, two communication protocols commonly used between integrated components. While regular PCs cannot communicate over SPI or I2C, microcontrollers or Single Board Computers (SBC) like the Raspberry Pi usually does.

A quick comparison

Note that the equipment supplied by embedded electronics websites is precisely what companies like National Instruments (NI), that are explicitly intended for researchers, also sell. But 10 to 100 times cheaper. This price difference can be explained, let’s take the example of an ADC. On the one hand NI sells an 8-channels 12-bits ADC with a nice packaging, that can interface over USB with a PC, can acquire voltages from -10 to 10V, and is controlled from a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). It can also acquire data at frequencies up to 500k samples per second. On the other hand Adafruit sells a 4-channels 16-bits ADC on a raw PCB, that can interface with SBCs or microcontrollers, can only acquire voltages from 0 to 3.3V, and is controlled using a Python script. It can read data at ‘only’ around 800 samples per second. But NI’s costs 600$ while Adafruit’s costs 15$, 20 times cheaper.

While NI’s ADC is definitely more user-friendly and can acquire at tremendous sample rates, Adafruit’s is actually theoretically more precise (16 bits instead of 12) and still has 4 channels and a consistent sample rate. Some applications may require the high frequency of NI’s device, but Adafruit’s is actually well-suited in many situations. Only the limitation in the accessible voltage range may though be hard to overcome.

Embedded devices in Crappy

We believe that is wouldn’t be relevant to buy NI’s device when much cheaper ones could be suitable, especially when budget is a strong constraint. However, we’re also aware that working with the I2C or SPI protocols is far from being straightforward for a majority of people, and that not being able to interface with a PC is a strong drawback. To address these limitations, we chose to make low-cost embedded devices easily accessible using Crappy, either from an SBC, a microcontroller or even a PC !

To this end, Crappy contains several features opening many possibilities to interface with embedded electronics:

  • It is fully compatible with a use on SBCs like the Raspberry Pi

  • The FT232H tool allows interfacing over SPi or I2C directly from a PC, using Adafruit’s FT232H USB to I2C and SPI adapter. Examples of code are provided below.

  • The UController block, along with the and microcontroller.ino templates are provided for controlling the execution of a script on a microcontroller from a PC, sending commands and receiving data.

  • The Client Server block allows receiving from and sending data to a remote device connected on a common network, e.g. a microcontroller acquiring data in an enclosed area.

Specific blocks and features

As stated above, a variety of features dedicated to the control of embedded devices have been included to Crappy. In this section, they will be detailed and examples of code will be provided. Note that this section is not a tutorial. It should be seen as a complement to the existing Tutorials in the specific situation when the user deals with embedded devices. It can also be considered as an overview of Crappy’s capabilities and interface in such situation.

Devices interfacing over I2C or SPI

As demonstrated in the first section, numerous sensors and actuators well-suited for a use in research setups can be purchased from embedded electronics suppliers. These devices usually communicate over SPI or I2C, and can thus not directly interface with regular PCs. The following devices are currently part of the framework:

These devices can be integrated in two different ways into setups driven with Crappy. These two options are presented below.

Using the GPIOs of an SBC

The most straightforward way to interface with hardware over SPI or I2C is to use an SBC. Unlike the regular PCs, these computers are specifically designed to communicate with hardware over low-level protocols. On the Raspberry Pi, it is for example possible to control GPIOs, generate PWM signals, and several I2C, SPI and serial buses are available.

Crappy is fully able to run on the Raspberry Pi 3 and 4, and should as well be compatible with any SBC that can run Python ≥ 3.6, although that wasn’t tested. On these SBCs, hardware pins are dedicated to low-level communication and the wiring is usually extremely simple. The Python modules spidev and smbus2 are also available, making it quite easy to issue SPI or I2C commands in Python.

Consequently, there is no particular difficulty nor specificity to consider when using embedded sensors or actuators on an SBC. Wiring the devices to the GPIOs may be new to beginners, but it is actually extremely simple and much documentation about it can be found on internet. There’s also nothing special to consider when writing Crappy’s script, except that the keyword argument backend should be set to Pi4 or Blinka. Here’s a basic example of code for reading data from an NAU7802 load cell conditioner on a Raspberry Pi 4, and displaying it on a graph.

import crappy

if __name__ == "__main__":

    nau = crappy.blocks.IOBlock('Nau7802',
                                labels=['t(s)', 'out(V)'],

    graph = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'out(V)')), graph)


Using the FT232H tool

While SBCs are great for interfacing with embedded devices, they usually display a limited computing performance and are thus poorly suited for computationally intensive tests. For instance, they may not be powerful enough to perform complex real-time image analysis at a high frame rate, or to display many graphers at the same time in Crappy. In such situations, the computing capabilities of a regular PC would be required.

As we didn’t want to have to choose between the high performance of a PC and the flexibility of embedded devices and SBCs, we incorporated Adafruit’s FT232H USB to GPIO, serial, I2C and SPI converter into Crappy. Using this board, it is possible to interface over I2C and SPI from any PC as long as a USB port is available ! It still requires a proper wiring on the FT232H’s GPIOs, just like on the SBCs.

Although the implementation of the FT232H in Crappy is quite complex, it is all kept under the hood and doesn’t change much from the user’s perspective. If only one FT232H is connected, then the code given in the last section would become :

import crappy

if __name__ == "__main__":

    nau = crappy.blocks.IOBlock('Nau7802',
                                labels=['t(s)', 'out(V)'],

    graph = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'out(V)')), graph)



In Linux, the udev-rules must first be set before being able to communicate with the FT232H. This can be done using an utility program we developed.

It gets trickier when several FT232H are connected to a same computer, as it is then necessary to specify for each device the serial number of the FT232H on which it is connected. Note that there’s no limit to the number of FT232H that can be simultaneously plugged to a PC, and several devices can share a same bus on a given FT232H. The only restriction is that one given FT232H can only operate over either SPI or I2C, not both simultaneously. Here’s an example of code for a setup featuring two FT232H :

import crappy

if __name__ == "__main__":

    nau = crappy.blocks.IOBlock('Nau7802',
                                labels=['t(s)', 'out(V)'],

    ads = crappy.blocks.IOBlock('Ads1115',
                                labels=['t(s)', 'U(V)'],

    graph1 = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'out(V)'))
    graph2 = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'U(V)')), graph1), graph2)


Now how to get the serial number of an FT232H ? Well they do not come with a pre-defined number, it is up to the user to set it. Fortunately, we developed a short program that does it, it can be found here. To get the serial number of an FT232H that was already given one, the command usb-devices can be run in Linux.


Because of limitations in the underlying libsub module, it is not possible to simultaneously use an FT232H and to communicate with a Pololu Tic using the USB backend. It is however still possible to use the ticcmd backend.

Interfacing with microcontrollers

Why using microcontrollers ?

As detailed above, interfacing embedded devices with Crappy on SBCs or PCs is a powerful way to create setups in a more versatile and cost-effective way. However, a strong limitation remains. Because of the way the OS are designed, computers have to handle numerous processes running at the same time. To do so, all the processes are constantly being interrupted by each other, making all of them actually run intermittently. Consequently, there’s no guaranty that a given process is awake at a given moment, and this also applies to Crappy’s processes. Depending on the OS, the machine running it, and other nerdy parameters, processes might sleep up to a few milliseconds in a row !

For many applications this is not a big deal, but in specific cases it can become extremely limiting. For example if a signal needs to be generated at several hundred Hz, its shape would be strongly affected. Or if a trigger has to be sent within a short delay after an event occurs, the required responsiveness might not be achieved. To overcome this limitation, microcontrollers are a nice option. As they can only run one process, it is never interrupted and extremely high looping frequencies might be achieved. Moreover, microcontrollers often include many features for interfacing with hardware like GPIOs, I2C, SPI, serial, PWM, WiFi, etc., making their integration into setups very straightforward. The most powerful microcontrollers can even run MicroPython, a lighter version of Python, making it easy to handle even for beginners. Otherwise C code has to be used, which requires far more advanced programming skills.

Microcontrollers in Crappy

Usually, microcontrollers are meant to run a script as soon they’re powered on, independently from any external input. It means that they cannot be started or stopped by Crappy, which may be problematic. To address this issue, we developed a MicroPython template, an Arduino template, and the UController Crappy block for the situations when a microcontroller is linked to a PC through a serial connection (USB cable). They allow communication between the microcontroller and the PC during a test, and they also manage the beginning and the end of the test.

The Micropython and Arduino templates and the UController block actually work in very similar ways. They regularly listen to the serial connection, and read any data sent from the other side. A specific syntax allows sending labeled inputs to the microcontroller, for example to modify the value of a parameter. Reversely, this syntax also allows the microcontroller to send back data or feedback. On startup, a blocking call prevents the microcontroller from doing anything until the UController block pings it, during crappy.prepare(). At the end of the test, the microcontroller is reset to stop the script currently running.


This documentation is not meant to explain how to flash MicroPython on a microcontroller, nor how to upload MicroPython or C code to it. The specific constraints entailed by coding for microcontrollers are also not covered here. For more information on each of these topics, refer to the dedicated and extensive documentation that can be found on internet.

The syntax for using the UController block is not any different from the syntax for the other blocks. Let’s take the example of a microcontroller running a PID loop for controlling a DC motor, with a variable target speed that we’ll call cmd_speed. Let’s also assume that the microcontroller should return once in a while the current motor speed, cur_speed. The most difficult part is to write the script that will run on the microcontroller. It won’t be covered here, but using MicroPython rather than C and starting from the template may make it easier to write. On the PC, the UController block simply needs to send the command, and to return the current speed. A Generator block is needed for generating the command, and a Dashboard can be used for reading the output. An example of code is presented here :

import crappy

if __name__ == "__main__":

    gen = crappy.blocks.Generator([{'type': 'constant',
                                    'speed': 2000,
                                    'condition': 'delay=10'},
                                   {'type': 'constant',
                                    'speed': 3000,
                                    'condition': 'delay=20'},
                                   {'type': 'constant',
                                    'speed': 4000,
                                    'condition': 'delay=10'},
                                   {'type': 'constant',
                                    'speed': 3000,
                                    'condition': 'delay=5'}],

    micro = crappy.blocks.UController(labels=['cur_speed'],
                                      init_output={'cur_speed': 0},

    dash = crappy.blocks.Dashboard(labels=['t(s)', 'cur_speed']), micro), dash)


Interfacing with remote devices over MQTT

An interesting feature of microcontrollers is that many of them can connect to a WiFi network, or even generate it. Rather than exchanging data over serial with the UController block, it is then possible to do it remotely without any cable linking the PC to the microcontroller. This can prove extremely convenient, for example for acquiring data from a fully enclosed area, or on rotating parts, or if the PC cannot be placed close enough to the sensor for any reason. To this end, the Client Server block allowing to communicate remotely over a network was developed. Note that this block can also be used to communicate with devices other than microcontrollers, like PCs. For instance we used this block for following a long-lasting test remotely from our personal computers over a university network.

The Client Server block uses the MQTT protocol to send and receive messages. It can subscribe to topics, and receive the associated messages, and also publish messages in topics. The program that manages the messages from the different devices is the MQTT broker, which runs on one machine only. Many brokers exist, with each their strengths and weaknesses. The broker runs independently from Crappy, although we added the possibility to start and stop the Mosquitto broker from Crappy. The block itself is quite similar to all the other Crappy blocks, except it sends the data to a broker rather than to a device. An example of code is presented here, which sends data from the to_send label to the topic of the same name, and retrieves data from the to_receive topic to the label of the same name. It assumes that the broker runs at the IP address and listens to the port 1148. It also assumes that a remote device publishes in the topic to_receive.

import crappy

if __name__ == "__main__":

    gen = crappy.blocks.Generator([{'type': 'ramp',
                                    'speed': 1,
                                    'condition': None}],

    mqtt = crappy.blocks.Client_server(address='',
                                       init_output={'to_receive': 0},

    graph = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'to_receive')), mqtt), graph)


If now the values of the label to_send have to be sent along with their timestamp t(s), the code can be modified as follows to send the timestamp as t_here to the broker. This way it won’t be mistaken with another t(s) label if it is received by another Crappy program. Here we also assume that a remote device sends the timestamp t_remote along with to_receive.

import crappy

if __name__ == "__main__":

    gen = crappy.blocks.Generator([{'type': 'ramp',
                                    'speed': 1,
                                    'condition': None}],

    mqtt = crappy.blocks.Client_server(address='',
                                       topics=[('t_remote', 'to_receive')],
                                       init_output={'t_remote': 0,
                                                    'to_receive': 0},
                                       cmd_labels=[('t(s)', 'to_send')],

    graph = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t_remote', 'to_receive')), mqtt), graph)


Adding embedded devices to Crappy

Adding embedded devices to Crappy is in nothing different from adding any other device. However for the devices interfacing over SPI or I2C, additional information can be given compared to the general case. This section comes then in complement to the Tutorials.

Based on an existing Python module

Additionally to the hardware they sell, some companies like Adafruit also provide Python modules for driving it. In Adafruit’s case this module is called Blinka, and can be installed simply using pip. A limited number of commands can then be used to fully control devices, all the complexity being kept under the hood of Blinka. Using this little set of commands, codes for driving components from Crappy can be kept extremely short, making even beginners fully able to write them. Note that we focus here on Blinka, but this is also true for any similar module.

For the sake of the example, let’s create from scratch a minimal version of the MPRLS code. It is a pressure sensor, so it belongs to the In / Out category of Crappy. Let’s start from the template for InOuts provided here. Here we only want to acquire data, so the set_cmd method should be removed.

import crappy
import time

class Mprls_mini(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):

    def open(self):

    def get_data(self):
        return [time.time(), 0]

    def close(self):

Then according to Adafruit’s documentation, we have to import the board and adafruit_mprls modules to be able to use the MPRLS. The object representing the sensor then has to be initialized in the open method. It gives:

import crappy
import time
import adafruit_mprls
import board

class Mprls_mini(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):

    def open(self):
        self._mpr = adafruit_mprls.MPRLS(board.I2C(), psi_min=0, psi_max=25)

    def get_data(self):
        return [time.time(), 0]

    def close(self):

The only action that should be performed is to simply return the pressure value. Still according to the online documentation, this value can be acquired using the pressure attribute. There’s thus only one replacement to do :

import crappy
import time
import adafruit_mprls
import board

class Mprls_mini(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):

    def open(self):
        self._mpr = adafruit_mprls.MPRLS(board.I2C(), psi_min=0, psi_max=25)

    def get_data(self):
        return [time.time(), self._mpr.pressure]

    def close(self):

And that’s it ! The sensor can now be read extremely easily using the following code :

import crappy
import time
import adafruit_mprls
import board

class Mprls_mini(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):

    def open(self):
        self._mpr = adafruit_mprls.MPRLS(board.I2C(), psi_min=0, psi_max=25)

    def get_data(self):
        return [time.time(), self._mpr.pressure]

    def close(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":

    mprls = crappy.blocks.IOBlock('Mprls_mini', labels=['t(s)', 'pressure'])

    graph = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'pressure')), graph)


Based on a datasheet

Unfortunately, not every supplier provides a Python module for their products, sometimes even no code at all. Often, code developed by individuals may still be available somewhere on internet, for example on Github. If no code at all can be found, the only option left is to follow the guidelines of the datasheet. This is pretty cumbersome, and requires a good knowledge of the SPI or I2C protocols. It is thus not recommended to beginners, or maybe only to the very motivated ones.

Let’s come back to the example of the MPRLS pressure sensor, and suppose we want our code to be independent from Adafruit’s modules. We know that the sensor interfaces over I2C, so a good option is to use the smbus2 module. For a device interfacing over SPI the spidev module can be used. The first thing to do is to initialize the bus, and to close it at the end of the program. It is done as follows supposing that the bus n°1 is used, which is the default one on the Raspberry Pi.

import crappy
import time
import smbus2

class Mprls_mini(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):
        self._bus = smbus2.SMBus(1)

    def open(self):

    def get_data(self):
        return [time.time(), 0]

    def close(self):

Now we need to have a look at the datasheet to know exactly how to communicate with the sensor. The datasheet can be found at this address, the section of interest starts on page 15. First, there’s no need to initialize any parameter during open, it can then be left as is. According to the datasheet, two steps are mandatory when reading the pressure from the sensor: first the three bytes 0xAA, 0x00, 0x00 should be written to the device, and when the data is ready it can be retrieved by reading 4 bytes from the sensor. After the writing operation, reading only 1 byte from the device allows to know if data is ready, or it is also possible to simply wait for 5ms and the data will then be ready for sure.

The commands of the smbus2 module won’t be detailed here, but more information can be found on its PyPi page or on ReadTheDocs. To start a conversion and read the result, only a few lines are necessary :

import crappy
import time
import smbus2

class Mprls_mini(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):
        self._bus = smbus2.SMBus(1)

    def open(self):

    def get_data(self):
        # Starting conversion
        self._bus.i2c_rdwr(smbus2.i2c_msg.write(0x18, [0xAA, 0x00, 0x00]))
        # Waiting for conversion to complete
        # Reading conversion result
        read =, 4)
        # Extracting conversion result as an integer
        out = list(read)[1:]
        ret = (out[0] << 16) | (out[1] << 8) | out[2]

        return [time.time(), 0]

    def close(self):

The last step is to return the result in hPa. This is done following the formula given in the datasheet. It gives :

import crappy
import time
import smbus2

class Mprls_mini(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):
        self._bus = smbus2.SMBus(1)

    def open(self):

    def get_data(self):
        # Starting conversion
        self._bus.i2c_rdwr(smbus2.i2c_msg.write(0x18, [0xAA, 0x00, 0x00]))
        # Waiting for conversion to complete
        # Reading conversion result
        read =, 4)
        # Extracting conversion result as an integer
        out = list(read)[1:]
        ret = (out[0] << 16) | (out[1] << 8) | out[2]
        # Converting to hPa
        pres = 68.947572932 * (ret - 0x19999A) * 25 / (0xE66666 - 0x19999A)

        return [time.time(), pres]

    def close(self):

Finally, the code can be improved by checking if the conversion is ready rather than waiting 5ms. This way greater sample rates can be achieved.

import crappy
import time
import smbus2

class Mprls_mini(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):
        self._bus = smbus2.SMBus(1)

    def open(self):

    def get_data(self):
        # Starting conversion
        self._bus.i2c_rdwr(smbus2.i2c_msg.write(0x18, [0xAA, 0x00, 0x00]))
        # Waiting for conversion to complete
        while True:
            wait =, 1)
            if not list(wait)[0] & 0x20:
        # Reading conversion result
        read =, 4)
        # Extracting conversion result as an integer
        out = list(read)[1:]
        ret = (out[0] << 16) | (out[1] << 8) | out[2]
        # Converting to hPa
        pres = 68.947572932 * (ret - 0x19999A) * 25 / (0xE66666 - 0x19999A)

        return [time.time(), pres]

    def close(self):

As demonstrated here, writing the code using the datasheet is a bit complex and necessitates a good knowledge of both the I2C protocol and the associated Python library. It is nevertheless still accessible to anyone with a bit of patience and motivation. Let’s now read the sensor using the fully functional code !

import crappy
import time
import smbus2

class Mprls_mini(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):
        self._bus = smbus2.SMBus(1)

    def open(self):

    def get_data(self):
        # Starting conversion
        self._bus.i2c_rdwr(smbus2.i2c_msg.write(0x18, [0xAA, 0x00, 0x00]))
        # Waiting for conversion to complete
        while True:
            wait =, 1)
            if not list(wait)[0] & 0x20:
        # Reading conversion result
        read =, 4)
        # Extracting conversion result as an integer
        out = list(read)[1:]
        ret = (out[0] << 16) | (out[1] << 8) | out[2]
        # Converting to hPa
        pres = 68.947572932 * (ret - 0x19999A) * 25 / (0xE66666 - 0x19999A)

        return [time.time(), pres]

    def close(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":

    mprls = crappy.blocks.IOBlock('Mprls_mini', labels=['t(s)', 'pressure'])

    graph = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'pressure')), graph)
