
Access online documentation

The latest version of Crappy’s code can be found on GitHub, and the latest version of Crappy’s documentation can be found on ReadTheDocs.

An easy way to access the online documentation is to run in a Python console :

>>> import crappy
>>> crappy.doc()

This will open the documentation in a new tab or window of your default browser, hard to be quicker than that ! Of course you still need an internet connection.

Build local documentation

Required packages

All the documentation is actually contained in Crappy’s .py files in the form of docstrings and in the .rst files. It is thus possible to build the documentation locally as soon as Crappy is installed. To build it yourself, first install sphinx. This can be done easily using pip, more detail here. You will also need sphinx_rtd_theme, which is distributed on PyPI and should also be installed via pip.

Getting the doc files

Then, you need to get the .rst files and the Makefile. There are several options :

  • Regardless of how Crappy was installed, it is possible to download the Makefile and .rst files from the Github repository.

  • If you installed Crappy using git and setup, then the Makefile and .rst files are located in the /<install_path>/crappy/docs/ folder (or C:\<install_path>\crappy\docs\ on Windows).

  • If you installed Crappy in a virtualenv, the Makefile and .rst files are located in your virtualenv folder in /crappy/docs/.

  • If you installed Crappy via pip on your system, there’s no guarantee on where the Makefile and .rst files have been copied by pip. Downloading them is probably the easiest way to go. It is nevertheless for sure that they’re somewhere in a /crappy/docs/ folder (\crappy\docs\ on Windows). From our own experience, this folder may be located :

    • In /home/<username>/.local/ in Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04).

    • In C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Pythonxy\ in Windows, x.y being the installed Python version (tested on Windows 10).

    • In /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/ in macOS (tested on mac Sierra).

Building the documentation

Once you located or downloaded the Makefile and .rst files, simply open a terminal in the directory where Makefile is. Assuming that the folder containing the .rst files is located in the same directory and called source, simply run :

sphinx-build -b html source build

This will create a new directory build, containing the .html documentation files. These files can be opened using your regular web browser.

Note that the building process can be tuned in several ways (format, folders path and names, etc.), see Sphinx documentation for details.

For Linux users, running :

make html

Is a simpler way of calling the building command outputting .html files with the default arguments.