Using custom blocks and adding them to Crappy

1. Using custom blocks in scripts

Depending on your research field, it is possible that the hardware you’re using or planning to use is not yet implemented in Crappy. Don’t worry, Crappy’s been written so that you can easily add new hardware or blocks and use it right away ! In this first part of the tutorial we’ll see how to create custom Crappy objects directly in a test script. This is the most flexible way to go, but the objects won’t truly be part of Crappy.

What makes a Python class part of Crappy’s framework is basically just inheriting from one of Crappy’s base classes. These classes are Block, InOut, Camera, Actuator or Modifier, and allow creating Blocks, inouts, Cameras, Actuators and Modifiers respectively. If you’re not familiar with inheritance in Python you’ll find more info here. Additionally to inheritance, there are also a few specific rules to follow for each type of object. They will be detailed now for each type, and illustrated with examples.

1.a. blocks

To create a block, you first need to instantiate a class inheriting from the Block class :

import crappy

class my_block(crappy.blocks.Block):

For your block to integrate within Crappy’s framework, it is then necessary to initialize the parent class :

import crappy

class my_block(crappy.blocks.Block):

    def __init__(self):

The last constraint is then to add a loop method to your class, otherwise an error will be raised. During the main part of the test (i.e. not when initializing or closing) the loop method will be called repeatedly by Crappy, all you have to do is to define it. You can make it perform any desired action, but keep in mind that to ensure a smooth termination of the test the loop method mustn’t be blocking (e.g. if it waits for a certain event a timeout should be given). So here’s the minimal block object, that literally does nothing :

import crappy

class my_block(crappy.blocks.Block):

    def __init__(self):

    def loop(self):

Apart from the loop method, several other special methods will be automatically called by Crappy. Except for __init__ they’re however optional and will not do anything if you don’t define them yourself :

  • __init__ is called when the class is instantiated, even before crappy.start() is called. Here you should handle the block arguments (if it takes any), and declare most of the instance attributes.

  • prepare is called after crappy.start(), i.e. after Crappy truly starts but before the actual test is launched. Here you should perform any action needed to prepare the test, like creating a data structure or initializing hardware.

  • begin is called when the test actually starts, but unlike loop it is only called once. It allows performing a special action on startup, like sending a trigger signal to a device. Once it returns, loop will be called repeatedly until the end of the test.

  • finish is called when the assay stops (either in a normal way or due to an error). It is meant to perform any action needed before leaving, like switching off a device.

In addition to these methods that will be automatically called, you’re of course free to define as many other methods as you need.

There’s also one aspect we didn’t talk about: the interaction of your block with the others. So first, the links pointing towards your blocks will be accessible in the self.inputs list. You don’t have to create it, Crappy handles it for you. Once you have accessed a link object - we’ll call it link - you can access the waiting data by calling link.recv_chunk(). It returns a dict, whose keys are the labels and whose values are list containing all the values received since the last recv call. Alternatively, link.recv_last() returns a dict whose keys are the labels and values are the last value received in the link (only the last one is kept, others are discarded). link.recv_last() might return None, while link.recv_chunk() is blocking and waits for at least one value to return. If you’re a bit confused no worries, the example will probably make it all clearer !

Now what about sending data to downstream blocks ? It’s much simpler than receiving data ! The data should first be organized in a dict whose keys are labels and values are whatever you want to send. Preferably the values should be int, float, bool or str and not list or dict for compatibility with the other Crappy blocks. It means that if your block generates several values for the same label, you should send them separately and not together in a same list. Once your dict is created, let’s call it out, just call self.send(out). That’s it ! Again, it will probably be much clearer in an example.

So now to illustrate what was just explained, let’s build a block performing logical operations on signals. This block will take as many logical inputs as desired, and output the AND, OR and XOR results on all values at once. Since the values from different blocks may not come at the same frequency, the last received value is stored for each input and considered to be the current value. Inputs that didn’t send a value yet are all considered either True or False according to the user’s choice. Now let’s get to work !

We’re starting from the minimal template given previously. What arguments does the user need to provide ? First the labels to consider as inputs and then the label of the outputs. We also decided that the user could provide the default value for labels that do not have a value yet. For simplicity let’s say that only one label should be provided for the output, to which the suffixes '_AND', '_OR', '_XOR' will be added. So if we stick to the essentials the __init__ method should be pretty concise :

import crappy

class my_block(crappy.blocks.Block):

    def __init__(self, cmd_labels, label='logical', default=False):
        self.cmd_labels = cmd_labels
        self.out_label = label
        self.default = default

    def loop(self):

Now we need to build a data structure before startup, so let’s write a prepare method. We simply need to define one variable per label, which will store the last received value or the default value if no value was received. A dict is well-suited for that. We’ll keep the syntax understandable to everyone even though it’s not the optimal :

import crappy

class my_block(crappy.blocks.Block):

    def __init__(self, cmd_labels, label='logical', default=False):
        self.cmd_labels = cmd_labels
        self.out_label = label
        self.default = default

    def prepare(self):
        self.values = {}
        for label in self.cmd_labels:
            self.values[label] = self.default

    def loop(self):

Now the main part that will be run again and again during the test. We actually simply need to get the last received value for each label, calculate the 3 logical outputs and send the results with the right labeling. For each link we’ll try to receive values, if there’s any we’ll go through the labels to check if there are ones matching with the cmd_labels, and if so we’ll write the corresponding value to our self.values structure. The logical values calculations may be a bit too straightforward depending on your level in Python, but it’s not the important part. We must not forget to add the time to the output. All of this should be pretty quick :

import crappy
import time

class my_block(crappy.blocks.Block):

    def __init__(self, cmd_labels, label='logical', default=False):
        self.cmd_labels = cmd_labels
        self.out_label = label
        self.default = default

    def prepare(self):
        self.values = {}
        for label in self.cmd_labels:
            self.values[label] = self.default

    def loop(self):
        for link in self.inputs:
            recv_dict = link.recv_last()
            if recv_dict is not None:
                for label in recv_dict:
                    if label in self.cmd_labels:
                        self.values[label] = recv_dict[label]

        log_and = all(log_value for log_value in self.values.values())
        log_or = any(log_value for log_value in self.values.values())
        val_list = list(self.values.values())
        log_xor = any(log_1 ^ log_2 for log_1, log_2 in
                      zip(val_list[:-1], val_list[1:]))

        out = {'t(s)': time.time() - self.t0,
               self.out_label + '_AND': log_and,
               self.out_label + '_OR': log_or,
               self.out_label + '_XOR': log_xor}

There’s no particular need to perform any action before program termination, so a finish method is not needed. Our custom block is then finished ! Now for using it like a regular Crappy object, all you need to do is to instantiate it. Here’s an example code that will allow us to test it :

import crappy
import time

class my_block(crappy.blocks.Block):

    def __init__(self, cmd_labels, label='logical', default=False):
        self.cmd_labels = cmd_labels
        self.out_label = label
        self.default = default

    def prepare(self):
        self.values = {}
        for label in self.cmd_labels:
            self.values[label] = self.default

    def loop(self):
        for link in self.inputs:
            recv_dict = link.recv_last()
            if recv_dict is not None:
                for label in recv_dict:
                    if label in self.cmd_labels:
                        self.values[label] = recv_dict[label]

        log_and = all(log_value for log_value in self.values.values())
        log_or = any(log_value for log_value in self.values.values())
        val_list = list(self.values.values())
        log_xor = any(log_1 ^ log_2 for log_1, log_2 in
                      zip(val_list[:-1], val_list[1:]))

        out = {'t(s)': time.time() - self.t0,
               self.out_label + '_AND': log_and,
               self.out_label + '_OR': log_or,
               self.out_label + '_XOR': log_xor}

if __name__ == '__main__':

    gen_1 = crappy.blocks.Generator([{'type': 'constant',
                                      'value': 0,
                                      'condition': 'delay=10'},
                                     {'type': 'constant',
                                      'value': 1,
                                      'condition': 'delay=5'}],

    gen_2 = crappy.blocks.Generator([{'type': 'constant',
                                      'value': 0,
                                      'condition': 'delay=5'},
                                     {'type': 'constant',
                                      'value': 1,
                                      'condition': 'delay=10'}],

    logic = my_block(cmd_labels=['cmd_1', 'cmd_2'])

    graph = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'logical_AND'),
                                  ('t(s)', 'logical_OR'),
                                  ('t(s)', 'logical_XOR')), logic), logic), graph)


This is it ! See how straightforward it was to use the block we just created. Note that it can easily be reused elsewhere without copy/pasting by just importing it, see the corresponding documentation on imports. Alternatively, it can also be permanently added, see the second section of this tutorial

1.b. cameras

Adding cameras, and all the other Crappy objects, actually follows the same scheme as adding blocks but with different rules. Consequently we’ll go over it a bit quicker than for the blocks.

As you may have guessed, custom cameras must inherit from the Camera object (not the Camera block !). They must also initialize their parent object during __init__. Their mandatory methods are get_image, open and close, with get_image returning the current time and an array. So the very minimal camera would look like that :

import crappy
import numpy as np
import time

class My_camera(

    def __init__(self):

    def open(self, **kwargs):

    def get_image(self):
        return time.time(), np.array([0])

    def close(self):

Notice the **kwargs argument in the open method. When instantiating a camera block it is possible to specify setting values to the camera object, we’ll cover it later on.

All the methods automatically called by Crappy are there, there’s no optional one like for the blocks. open is called during Crappy’s prepare and should be used to initialize streams, open buses, etc. close is called during finish and should be used to close streams, buses, etc. get_image is called by a loop during the main part of the program, and should grab a frame and return it along with the associated timestamp.

Now it is difficult to illustrate how a frame can be grabbed in this example that mustn’t require any hardware, so if you want real examples you should go over the existing cameras. What can however be explained here is how the settings can be added and tuned in Crappy. If you never tried to use a camera in Crappy and your computer has a webcam, you should run the displayer example to see how the graphical interface allows tuning the settings. To actually start the test don’t forget to close the setting window !

Settings must be added during __init__ using the self.add_setting method. It takes as arguments the name, a getter method, a setter method, the limits and the default value. This means that a getter and a setter method have to be defined for each setting added. The getter method should return the current value of the setting, (most likely) as returned by the hardware. The setter method should (most likely) send a command to the hardware in order to set the parameter. There’s a specific syntax for the limits according to the type:

  • A bool indicates that the possible values are True and False. A checkbox will be displayed in the interface.

  • A dict will have its keys displayed in the graphical interface among which the user has to pick one, and the values of the dict correspond to the value of the setting actually used in the program.

  • A tuple of two elements indicates that the possible values are in the range between the first and the second element. If it is a tuple of int the possible values will be int, and if it is a tuple of float the possible values will be float. In both cases a slider will be displayed in the interface.

  • None indicates that this setting is not accessible to the user, not the most interesting option !

And the default argument simply indicates the default value of the setting, which should of course be one of the values allowed by the specified type.

So now to illustrate this, let’s create a custom camera object that will take a given image and animate it. We’ll add a setting to activate or not the animation, a setting to tune the animation speed, and one to choose the orientation. This way we’ll cover all the setting types of interest.

The image is distributed in Crappy’s package, stored in crappy.resources.ve_markers. To animate it, we’ll simply fill a variable portion of it with black. First we create the structure :

import crappy
import numpy as np
import time

class My_camera(

    def __init__(self):
        self.add_setting('Enable animation',
                         self.get_anim, self.set_anim,
                         True, True)
        self.add_setting('Speed (img/s)',
                         self.get_speed, self.set_speed,
                         (0.5, 2), 1.)
                         self.get_orientation, self.set_orientation,
                         {'Vertical': 1, 'Horizontal': 0}, 'Vertical')

    def open(self, **kwargs):
        self.orient = 1
        self.speed = 1.
        self.anim = True

    def get_image(self):
        return time.time(), np.array([0])

    def close(self):

    def get_speed(self):
        return self.speed

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        self.speed = speed

    def get_orientation(self):
        return self.orient

    def set_orientation(self, orient):
        self.orient = orient

    def get_anim(self):
        return self.anim

    def set_anim(self, anim):
        self.anim = anim

Notice the self.set_all(**kwargs) call during open. It’s at this very moment that the default settings are applied.

Now let’s play a bit with the image. We’re going to use the timestamp to determine how blacked the image is. Every speed seconds the image has to be completely black, and the mask should then disappear in a linear way. The displayed array is simply made of the part of the image we keep plus the other part that’s filled with black :

import crappy
import numpy as np
import time

class My_camera(

    def __init__(self):
        self.add_setting('Enable animation',
                         self.get_anim, self.set_anim,
                         True, True)
        self.add_setting('Speed (s/img)',
                         self.get_speed, self.set_speed,
                         (1., 5.), 2.)
                         self.get_orientation, self.set_orientation,
                         {'Vertical': 1, 'Horizontal': 0}, 'Vertical')

    def open(self, **kwargs):
        self.orient = 1
        self.speed = 1.
        self.anim = True
        self.frame = crappy.resources.ve_markers

    def get_image(self):
        t = time.time()
        num_row = int((t % self.get_speed()) *
                      self.frame.shape[0] / self.get_speed())
        num_column = int((t % self.get_speed()) *
                         self.frame.shape[1] / self.get_speed())
        row_mask = np.array([True] * num_row +
                            [False] * (self.frame.shape[0] - num_row))
        column_mask = np.array([True] * num_column +
                               [False] * (self.frame.shape[1] -
        if self.get_anim():
            if self.get_orientation():
                mask = row_mask
                return t, np.concatenate((self.frame[mask, :],
                                          self.frame[~mask, :] * 0))
                mask = column_mask
                return t, np.concatenate((self.frame[:, mask],
                                          self.frame[:, ~mask] * 0),
        return time.time(), self.frame

    def close(self):

    def get_speed(self):
        return self.speed

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        self.speed = speed

    def get_orientation(self):
        return self.orient

    def set_orientation(self, orient):
        self.orient = orient

    def get_anim(self):
        return self.anim

    def set_anim(self, anim):
        self.anim = anim

There’s no need to do anything special at exit, so the close method remains as it was. Now we’ll simply write a short program displaying our animated image. To do so we only need a Displayer block, and of course our custom camera. Notice that the argument for choosing a camera object in the Camera block is a str, you should give the name not the object. We’ll also set the frame rate to 50, because the camera may loop way too fast for the screen to follow. In the end, here’s the working code :

import crappy
import numpy as np
import time

class My_camera(

    def __init__(self):
        self.add_setting('Enable animation',
                         self.get_anim, self.set_anim,
                         True, True)
        self.add_setting('Speed (s/img)',
                         self.get_speed, self.set_speed,
                         (1., 5.), 2.)
                         self.get_orientation, self.set_orientation,
                         {'Vertical': 1, 'Horizontal': 0}, 'Vertical')

    def open(self, **kwargs):
        self.orient = 1
        self.speed = 1.
        self.anim = True
        self.frame = crappy.resources.ve_markers

    def get_image(self):
        t = time.time()
        num_row = int((t % self.get_speed()) *
                      self.frame.shape[0] / self.get_speed())
        num_column = int((t % self.get_speed()) *
                         self.frame.shape[1] / self.get_speed())
        row_mask = np.array([True] * num_row +
                            [False] * (self.frame.shape[0] - num_row))
        column_mask = np.array([True] * num_column +
                               [False] * (self.frame.shape[1] -
        if self.get_anim():
            if self.get_orientation():
                mask = row_mask
                return t, np.concatenate((self.frame[mask, :],
                                          self.frame[~mask, :] * 0))
                mask = column_mask
                return t, np.concatenate((self.frame[:, mask],
                                          self.frame[:, ~mask] * 0),
        return time.time(), self.frame

    def close(self):

    def get_speed(self):
        return self.speed

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        self.speed = speed

    def get_orientation(self):
        return self.orient

    def set_orientation(self, orient):
        self.orient = orient

    def get_anim(self):
        return self.anim

    def set_anim(self, anim):
        self.anim = anim

if __name__ == '__main__':

    cam = crappy.blocks.Camera('My_camera')

    disp = crappy.blocks.Displayer(framerate=50), disp)


1.c. actuators

Creating custom actuators presents no particular challenge once you’ve read the two previous sections. All actuators must inherit from the Actuator object, and must implement the open, close, stop and either set_position or set_speed methods. It is possible to define both. Additionally, the get_speed and get_position methods can be defined.

  • open is meant to perform any action required before starting the assay, like initializing hardware and setting parameters.

  • close is meant to perform actions once the assay ends, like switching hardware off or closing a bus.

  • stop should instantly stop a device, preferably as fast as possible since this method is only called in case an error happens.

  • set_speed and set_position should make the actuator reach a target speed or position.

  • get_speed and get_position should return the current speed or the current position of the actuator.

When an actuator is driven by the Machine block, is repeatedly calls either set_speed or set_position according to the chosen driving mode and with the input command as argument. If a get_speed or get_position exists, it is also repeatedly called according to the chosen mode and a value is returned. Otherwise no value is returned.

For the sake of the example, let’s create a fake actuator that doesn’t necessitate any actual hardware. It will just emulate the behavior of a stepper motor controlled by a conditioner, i.e. try to reach the target speed or position and then maintain the target as long as no new command is sent. An argument allows to tune the refreshment rate for the position calculation.

So let’s get to work ! Here’s the very minimal actuator class, that does nothing. It can only be driven in position, but we could simply replace position by speed.

import crappy

class My_actuator(crappy.actuator.Actuator):

    def __init__(self):

    def open(self):

    def set_position(self, pos, speed=3):

    def stop(self):

    def close(self):

Notice that the set_position method takes the target position as an argument, but can also take a speed. See the Machine block for details. Here we’ll consider the default speed to be 3 mm/s. Now for the sake of the example let’s add the optional methods and the argument :

import crappy

class My_actuator(crappy.actuator.Actuator):

    def __init__(self, refresh):
        self.t = 1 / refresh

    def open(self):

    def set_position(self, pos, speed=3):

    def set_speed(self, speed):

    def get_position(self):
        return 0

    def get_speed(self):
        return 0

    def stop(self):

    def close(self):

We’re going to use a threading.Thread to emulate the behavior of the stepper motor. If you’re not familiar with it, check out this tutorial from RealPython which is complete, accessible and very well-writen. Or to keep it short, simply consider that two flows of execution will run in parallel: the regular one handling the user inputs, and another one exclusively dedicated to emulating the motor. The thread will loop at a tunable frequency, and simply update the position according to the target and the current speed. So we also need variables to store the current speed, position, and position target if any. Without going further into detail, after adding the thread the code looks this way :

import crappy
import time
from threading import Thread, RLock

class My_actuator(crappy.actuator.Actuator):

    def __init__(self, refresh):
        self.t = 1 / refresh
        self.position = 0
        self.speed = 0
        self.target_pos = None

        self.stop_thread = False

        self.lock = RLock()
        self.thread = Thread(

    def open(self):

    def set_position(self, pos, speed=3):

    def set_speed(self, speed):

    def get_position(self):
        return 0

    def get_speed(self):
        return 0

    def stop(self):

    def close(self):
        self.stop_thread = True

    def run(self):
        while not self.stop_thread:
            if self.target_pos is not None:
                if self.target_pos < self.position:
                    if self.position - self.speed * self.t < self.target_pos:
                        self.position = self.target_pos
                        self.position -= self.speed * self.t
                elif self.target_pos > self.position:
                    if self.position + self.speed * self.t > self.target_pos:
                        self.position = self.target_pos
                        self.position += self.speed * self.t
                self.position += self.speed * self.t

Now the motor emulation is functional, but it doesn’t take into account the user inputs. So now all that’s left to do is write the get and set methods and the block will be ready !

import crappy
import time
from threading import Thread, RLock

class My_actuator(crappy.actuator.Actuator):

    def __init__(self, refresh):
        self.t = 1 / refresh
        self.position = 0
        self.speed = 0
        self.target_pos = None

        self.stop_thread = False

        self.lock = RLock()
        self.thread = Thread(

    def open(self):

    def set_position(self, pos, speed=3):
        with self.lock:
            self.target_pos = pos
            self.speed = speed

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        with self.lock:
            self.speed = speed

    def get_position(self):
        with self.lock:
            return self.position

    def get_speed(self):
        with self.lock:
            if self.target_pos is None:
                return self.speed
                if self.target_pos < self.position:
                    return -self.speed
                if self.target_pos > self.position:
                    return self.speed
                    return 0

    def stop(self):

    def close(self):

        self.stop_thread = True

    def run(self):
        while not self.stop_thread:
            if self.target_pos is not None:
                if self.target_pos < self.position:
                    if self.position - self.speed * self.t < self.target_pos:
                        self.position = self.target_pos
                        self.position -= self.speed * self.t
                elif self.target_pos > self.position:
                    if self.position + self.speed * self.t > self.target_pos:
                        self.position = self.target_pos
                        self.position += self.speed * self.t
                self.position += self.speed * self.t

Now we can integrate our custom actuator in a Crappy script in order to test it. We’ll simply drive it in position, and plot the position and speed.

import crappy
import time
from threading import Thread, RLock

class My_actuator(crappy.actuator.Actuator):

    def __init__(self, refresh):
        self.t = 1 / refresh
        self.position = 0
        self.speed = 0
        self.target_pos = None

        self.stop_thread = False

        self.lock = RLock()
        self.thread = Thread(

    def open(self):

    def set_position(self, pos, speed=3):
        with self.lock:
            self.target_pos = pos
            self.speed = speed

    def set_speed(self, speed):
        with self.lock:
            self.speed = speed

    def get_position(self):
        with self.lock:
            return self.position

    def get_speed(self):
        with self.lock:
            if self.target_pos is None:
                return self.speed
                if self.target_pos < self.position:
                    return -self.speed
                if self.target_pos > self.position:
                    return self.speed
                    return 0

    def stop(self):

    def close(self):

        self.stop_thread = True

    def run(self):
        while not self.stop_thread:
            if self.target_pos is not None:
                if self.target_pos < self.position:
                    if self.position - self.speed * self.t < self.target_pos:
                        self.position = self.target_pos
                        self.position -= self.speed * self.t
                elif self.target_pos > self.position:
                    if self.position + self.speed * self.t > self.target_pos:
                        self.position = self.target_pos
                        self.position += self.speed * self.t
                self.position += self.speed * self.t

if __name__ == '__main__':

    mot = crappy.blocks.Machine([{'type': 'My_actuator',
                                  'mode': 'position',
                                  'cmd': 'target_position',
                                  'pos_label': 'position',
                                  'speed_label': 'speed',
                                  'refresh': 200}])

    gen = crappy.blocks.Generator([{'type': 'constant',
                                    'value': 0,
                                    'condition': 'delay=5'},
                                   {'type': 'constant',
                                    'value': 10,
                                    'condition': 'delay=5'},
                                   {'type': 'constant',
                                    'value': -10,
                                    'condition': 'delay=10'},
                                   {'type': 'constant',
                                    'value': 0,
                                    'condition': 'delay=5'}],

    graph = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'position'), ('t(s)', 'speed')), mot), graph)


Simply switch the 'mode' key from 'position' to 'speed' to drive the motor in speed rather than in position !

1.d. inouts

Just like the actuators we’ve just covered, creating custom inouts is fairly easy. They must inherit from the InOut object, and implement the following methods: open, close, and either set_cmd or get_data. Note that it is possible to implement both.

  • open is meant to perform any action required before starting the assay, like initializing hardware and setting parameters.

  • close is meant to perform actions once the assay ends, like switching hardware off or closing a bus.

  • set_cmd takes one or several arguments, and does something with it. Usually it is used to set the output of a DAC or to control hardware that doesn’t fit in the actuator category. But it can actually perform any action.

  • get_data takes no arguments but returns one or several values. Usually it returns values read from sensors or ADCs, but again it can actually be any kind of data.

Do not define set_cmd or get_data if not needed, even if the method does nothing. Crappy could then have issues finding your object in its database. During the main part of the assay, Crappy will repeatedly call set_cmd or get_data depending on what is defined and how the IOBlock is linked to the other blocks.

For the example we’ll use the capacity every computer has to monitor the real-time memory usage, that will be the value returned by the get_data method. There’s also a way to influence the memory usage by creating big Python objects, so the set_cmd method will try to reach a target memory usage. All memory usages will be given as a percentage.

First let’s start from a minimal inout object possessing both the set_cmd and get_data methods :

import crappy
import time

class My_inout(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):

    def open(self):

    def get_data(self):
        return [time.time(), 0]

    def set_cmd(self, cmd):

    def close(self):

Note that if the class only uses get_data or set_cmd, the unused method should be removed. Now we’ll use the psutil module to monitor the memory consumption. This will only affect the get_data method :

import crappy
import time
import psutil

class My_inout(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self):

    def open(self):

    def get_data(self):
        return [time.time(), psutil.virtual_memory().percent]

    def set_cmd(self, cmd):

    def close(self):

Now we need to add a structure for adding or removing memory. We’ll create a list containing a variable amount of other (huge) list, what will allow us to influence the memory usage. We’ll also add an argument for setting a maximal memory usage that shouldn’t be reached :

import crappy
import time
import psutil

class My_inout(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self, max_mem):
        self.max_mem = max_mem

    def open(self):
        self.buf = list()

    def get_data(self):
        return [time.time(), psutil.virtual_memory().percent]

    def set_cmd(self, cmd):
        if cmd > self.max_mem:
            cmd = self.max_mem
        if cmd > psutil.virtual_memory().percent:
            self.buf.append([0] * 1024*1024)
        elif cmd < psutil.virtual_memory().percent:
                del self.buf[-1]
            except IndexError:

    def close(self):
        del self.buf

Now we simply need to integrate out custom inout in a script, that will simply send a memory usage command and display the current memory usage :

import crappy
import time
import psutil

class My_inout(crappy.inout.InOut):

    def __init__(self, max_mem):
        self.max_mem = max_mem

    def open(self):
        self.buf = list()

    def get_data(self):
        return [time.time(), psutil.virtual_memory().percent]

    def set_cmd(self, cmd):
        if cmd > self.max_mem:
            cmd = self.max_mem
        if cmd > psutil.virtual_memory().percent:
            self.buf.append([0] * 1024*1024)
        elif cmd < psutil.virtual_memory().percent:
                del self.buf[-1]
            except IndexError:

    def close(self):
        del self.buf

if __name__ == '__main__':

    gen = crappy.blocks.Generator([{'type': 'constant',
                                    'value': 50,
                                    'condition': 'delay=10'},
                                   {'type': 'constant',
                                    'value': 10,
                                    'condition': 'delay=10'},
                                   {'type': 'constant',
                                    'value': 90,
                                    'condition': 'delay=10'}
                                   ], spam=True)

    inout = crappy.blocks.IOBlock('My_inout', labels=['t(s)', 'Memory'],
                                  cmd_labels=['cmd'], spam=True, max_mem=90)

    graph = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'Memory')), graph), inout)


1.e. modifiers

The last type of Crappy object we have to go over is the modifier. The syntax is much freer than for the previous objects, since modifiers can actually be either classes or just functions. Using functions is the easiest way to go, and that’s what we recommend. In most cases, classes are necessary either if you need to store data between loops, or if you want to easily instantiate similar modifiers but with a varying parameter.

So let’s begin with the functions. It is really straightforward since any function will be accepted as a modifier. For it to work properly, functions should take a dict as only parameter, and return only a dict. This dict will contain the data coming from the upstream block. Its keys are the different labels, and to each key is associated a single value. The available labels and the type of the values depend on the kind of block the link comes from.

Inside the function, you actually have a direct access to the data flowing through the links. You can add keys, delete others or modify their values, it’s all up to you ! So as an example, let’s say we want to invert the value of the 'lab' label (and leave it to 0 if it’s 0). We’ll create three functions for that: one modifying the label, one adding a new label 'lab_inv' and keeping the original one, and one adding the new label but deleting the original one :

def modify(dic):
    if dic['lab'] != 0:
        dic['lab'] = 1 / dic['lab']
    return dic

def add(dic):
    if dic['lab'] != 0:
        dic['lab_inv'] = 1 / dic['lab']
        dic['lab_inv'] = 0
    return dic

def add_del(dic):
    if dic['lab'] != 0:
        dic['lab_inv'] = 1 / dic['lab']
        dic['lab_inv'] = 0
    return dic

Now if you need to create a class for your modifier, there’s only one condition: the class must define an evaluate method. This method should be similar to the functions we defined previously: take only a dict as argument (except for the self argument), and return a dict. The only difference with the functions is that the evaluate method has access to class and instance attributes, opening more possibilities. Also, your class can (but doesn’t need to) inherit from the Modifier object. This may become mandatory in a future release.

To fully demonstrate the use of a modifier as a class, let’s create one that sends a different signal if the difference between the maximum and the minimum values ever recorded is higher than a given threshold. The user has to specify the label to listen to, and the label on which the signal will be sent. This would be impossible with a function as it cannot store the successive values of the signal. The labels could also not simply be given as arguments. Let’s start from the minimal template :

import crappy

class My_modifier(crappy.modifier.Modifier):

    def __init__(self):

    def evaluate(self, dic):
        return dic

Let’s now add our specific features :

import crappy

class My_modifier(crappy.modifier.Modifier):

    def __init__(self, label_in, label_out, threshold):
        self.label_in = label_in
        self.label_out = label_out
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.max = None
        self.min = None

    def evaluate(self, dic):
        if self.max is None:
            self.max = dic[self.label_in]
        if self.min is None:
            self.min = dic[self.label_in]

        if dic[self.label_in] > self.max:
            self.max = dic[self.label_in]
        if dic[self.label_in] < self.min:
            self.min = dic[self.label_in]

        if self.max - self.min > self.threshold:
            dic[self.label_out] = 1
            dic[self.label_out] = 0

        return dic

We can now test our modifiers in a simple script. It will just generate a signal and display it along with the modified signals.

import crappy

class My_modifier(crappy.modifier.Modifier):

    def __init__(self, label_in, label_out, threshold):
        self.label_in = label_in
        self.label_out = label_out
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.max = None
        self.min = None

    def evaluate(self, dic):
        if self.max is None:
            self.max = dic[self.label_in]
        if self.min is None:
            self.min = dic[self.label_in]

        if dic[self.label_in] > self.max:
            self.max = dic[self.label_in]
        if dic[self.label_in] < self.min:
            self.min = dic[self.label_in]

        if self.max - self.min > self.threshold:
            dic[self.label_out] = 1
            dic[self.label_out] = 0

        return dic

def add(dic):
    if dic['signal'] != 0:
        dic['signal_inv'] = 1 / dic['signal']
        dic['signal_inv'] = 0
    return dic

if __name__ == '__main__':

    gen = crappy.blocks.Generator([{'type': 'sine',
                                    'freq': 1/3,
                                    'amplitude': 1,
                                    'offset': 1,
                                    'condition': 'delay=15'},
                                   {'type': 'ramp',
                                    'speed': 1/3,
                                    'condition': 'delay=12.5'}],

    graph_inv = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'signal'),
                                      ('t(s)', 'signal_inv'))

    graph_thresh = crappy.blocks.Grapher(('t(s)', 'signal'),
                                         ('t(s)', 'signal_thresh')), graph_inv, modifier=[add]), graph_thresh, modifier=[My_modifier('signal',


2. Permanently adding custom blocks to Crappy

You can either add an object locally or to the entire project. If it’s locally, you’ll be the only one having access to the modifications but you’re free to do whatever you want. Any modification to the entire project requires an approval and is subject to few rules, but then everyone will be able to use your object. We always recommend you to add any improvement to the entire project, the more contributions the better ! Here are the different possibilities :

  • Adding your object locally :

    • If Crappy was installed using git, simply copy a .py file containing your block or your object into the right folder. The class inheritance changes compared with an in-script object definition. Refer to objects that are already implemented for the appropriate syntax. For example if you had :

      import crappy
      class My_block(crappy.blocks.Block):

      Now you should have :

      from .block import Block
      class My_block(Block)

      Then modify the file of the folder in which you placed your new object. For example if the block mentioned a few lines above is contained in, you should write in crappy/blocks/ :

      from .my_block import My_block

      If you included docstrings in your file and you wish to include them in a local documentation, add your object in the corresponding .rst file in the /docs/source/crappydocs/ folder. Again the syntax should be self-explanatory. Still following the same example, here we should write in /docs/source/crappydocs/blocks.rst :

      My Block
      .. automodule:: crappy.blocks.my_block

      Now simply reinstall Crappy (see Installation, the syntax slightly differs according to your OS) and that’s it, you can freely use your object in scripts !

    • If Crappy was installed using pip, the quick-and-dirty way is to do almost the same steps as in the previous point, except now Crappy’s folder may be harder to find. If it is installed in a virtualenv you should find it easily, otherwise you can open a Python terminal, and type :

      >>> import crappy
      >>> crappy

      This will display the location of Crappy’s files. Now like in the previous point add your .py file to the right folder with the right import and inheritance modifications, change the corresponding file, and that’s it ! Next time you import Crappy your object should be available. For changing the .rst files see the Documentation section.


      It’s likely that your modifications will be discarded if you then update Crappy using pip !

  • Adding your object to the Crappy project : see the Developers information section. There are a few rules to respect, but if your pull request is accepted then all the Crappy users will be able to use your object !